2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
61142000.40 Knitted or crocheted summer wear and wash wear, of cotton (including women’s or girls’ and boys’) piece/kilogram 90%  A M --
61142000.90 Other knitted or crocheted garments of cotton piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-61142000.40
61143000.20 Men's and boys' knitted or crocheted tops made of synthetic fibers piece/kilogram 130%  A M Compare-61142000.90
61143000.90 Other knitted or crocheted garments,of man-made fibres piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-61143000.20
61149010.00 Other knitted or crocheted garments of wool or fine animal hair piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-61143000.90
61149090.00 Other garments of other textile materials piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-61149010.00
61151000.00 Graduated compression hosiery(for example,stockings for varicose veins),knitted or crocheted pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61149090.00
61152100.00 Knitted or crocheted panty hose and tights of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61151000.00
61152200.00 Knitted or crocheted panty hose and tights of synthetic fibres, measuring per single yarn 67 decitex or more pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61152100.00
61152910.00 Knitted or crocheted panty hose and tights of cotton pair/kilogram 90%  Compare-61152200.00
61152990.00 Knitted or crocheted panty hose and tights of other textile materials other than synthetic fibres and cotton pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61152910.00
61153000.00 Knitted or crocheted women’s full-length or knee-length hosiery of other textile materials measuring per single yarn less than 67 decitex pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61152990.00
61159400.00 Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of cotton pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61153000.00
61159500.11 Knitted or crocheted orthopedic stockings, with surgical suppressed scale, of cotton pair/kilogram 90%  Compare-61159400.00
61159500.19 Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of cotton pair/kilogram 90%  Compare-61159500.11
61159600.00 Knitted or crocheted socks and other hosiery of synthetic fibres pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61159500.19
61159900.00 Knitted or crocheted socks or other hosiery of other textile materials pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61159600.00
61161000.00 Gloves impregnated with plastics or rubbers pair/kilogram 122%  Compare-61159900.00
61169100.00 Knitted or crocheted mittens and mitts of wool or fine animal hair pair/kilogram 130%  Compare-61161000.00
61169200.00 Knitted or crocheted mittens and mitts of cotton (nonsports gloves) pair/kilogram 90%  Compare-61169100.00