2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
62111200.10 Women's or girls' swimwear of wool or fine animal hair piece/kilogram 130%  M/ --
62111200.41 Women's or girls' swimwear of silk,containing 70% or more by weight of silk piece/kilogram 130%  M/ Compare-62111200.10
62111200.49 Women's or girls' swimwear ,of silk,containing less than 70% by weight of silk piece/kilogram 130%  M/ Compare-62111200.41
62111200.90 Women's or girls' swimwear of other textile materials piece/kilogram 130%  M/ Compare-62111200.49
62112010.00 Ski suits of cotton set/kilogram 90%  Compare-62111200.90
62112090.00 Ski wear made of other textile materials set/kilogram 130%  Compare-62112010.00
62113210.00 Men's or boys'Arabian robes of cotton piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-62112090.00
62113220.00 Cotton men's sportswear set/kilogram 90%  Compare-62113210.00
62113290.00 Men's cotton other clothing piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-62113220.00
62113310.00 Men's or boys' Arabian robes of man-made fibres piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62113290.00
62113320.00 Synthetic men's sportswear set/kilogram 130%  Compare-62113310.00
62113390.00 Chemical fiber men's other clothing piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62113320.00
62113910.00 Men's or other clothing made of silk or silk piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62113390.00
62113920.00 Other men's wool clothing piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62113910.00
62113990.00 Other textile materials made of other men's clothing piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-62113920.00
62114210.00 Other cotton sportswear set/kilogram 90%  Compare-62113990.00
62114290.00 Other Women's or girls'garments of cotton piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-62114210.00
62114310.00 Chemical fiber other women's sportswear set/kilogram 130%  Compare-62114290.00
62114390.00 Other Women's or girls'garments of man-made fibres piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62114310.00
62114910.00 Silk women's clothing piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-62114390.00