2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
63041910.00 Bedspreads made of silk and silk threads, non-knitted and non-crocheted piece/kilogram 130%  --
63041921.00 Embroidered bedspreads of cotton or bast,not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-63041910.00
63041929.00 Other bedspreads of cotton or bast,not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 90%  Compare-63041921.00
63041931.00 Embroidered bedspreads of man-made fabric, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-63041929.00
63041939.00 Other bedspreads of man-made fabric, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 130%  Compare-63041931.00
63041991.10 Embroidered bedspreads of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-63041939.00
63041991.90 Embroidered bedspreads of other textile materials, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-63041991.10
63041999.10 Bedspreads of wool or fine animal hair, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-63041991.90
63041999.90 Bedspreads of other textile materials, not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-63041999.10
63042010.00 Hand-worked Mosquito net described in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter piece/kilogram 100%  S Compare-63041999.90
63042090.00 Other Mosquito net described in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter piece/kilogram 100%  S Compare-63042010.00
63049121.00 Other hand-worked knitted furnishing articles kilogram/- 100%  Compare-63042090.00
63049129.00 Other non-hand-worked knitted furnishing articles kilogram/- 100%  Compare-63049121.00
63049131.00 Other hand-worked crocheted furnishing articles kilogram/- 100%  Compare-63049129.00
63049139.00 Other non hand-worked crocheted furnishing articles kilogram/- 100%  Compare-63049131.00
63049210.00 Other embroidered furnishing articles of cotton, not crocheted kilogram/- 90%  Compare-63049139.00
63049290.00 Other furnishing articles of cotton, not knitted or crocheted kilogram/- 90%  Compare-63049210.00
63049310.00 Other embroidered furnishing articles of synthetic fibres, not knitted or crocheted kilogram/- 130%  Compare-63049290.00
63049390.00 Other furnishing articles of synthetic fibres, not crocheted kilogram/- 130%  Compare-63049310.00
63049910.00 Decorative items made of silk and silk threads, non-knitted and non-crocheted kilogram/- 130%  Compare-63049390.00