2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
70049000.02 Original glass for LCD or OLED display substrates kilogram/square meter 50%  --
70049000.03 Original glass for mobile phone or tablet cover (including front and back covers) kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70049000.02
70049000.90 Drawn glass and blown glass, in sheets(not coloured, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked) kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70049000.03
70051000.00 Non-wired glass, having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, float, surface ground or polished kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70049000.90
70052100.00 Other non-wired float glass sheet, coloured throughout the mass(body tinted), opacified, flashed or merely surface ground kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70051000.00
70052900.02 Rough glass plate used for LCD(non-wired float glass sheet) kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70052100.00
70052900.03 Original glass for mobile phone or tablet cover (including front cover and back cover) kilogram/square meter 50  Compare-70052900.02
70052900.90 Other non-wired float glass sheets kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70052900.03
70053000.00 Float wired glass(including surface ground or polished glass sheets, whether or not having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer) kilogram/square meter 50%  Compare-70052900.90
70060000.01 LCD glass base plate,more than 6 generation,(1850mm*1500mm),other than 6 generation(bent,edge-worked,engraved,drilled,enamelled or otherwise worked,but not framed or fitted) kilogram/- 50%  Compare-70053000.00
70060000.90 Glass of heading No. 70.03 to 70.05, bent,edge-worked, engraved, drilled, enamelled or otherwise worked, but not framed or fitted kilogram/- 50%  Compare-70060000.01
70071110.01 Toughened(tempered)safety glass, for wind shield of aircraft, anunladen weight≥25 ton kilogram/- 11%  Compare-70060000.90
70071110.90 Toughened(tempered)safety glass, of other size and shape suitable for incor poration in spacecraft or vessels kilogram/- 11%  Compare-70071110.01
70071190.00 Other safety glass for vehicles(of size and shape suitable for incorpration in vehicles) kilogram/- 50%  A L Compare-70071110.90
70071900.00 Other toughened(tempered)safety glass kilogram/square meter 50%  L Compare-70071190.00
70072110.00 Laminated safety glass, of other size and shape suitable for incorporation in aircraft, spacecraft or vessels kilogram/- 11%  Compare-70071900.00
70072190.00 Laminated safety glass, of other size and shape suitable for incorporation in vehicles kilogram/- 50%  A L Compare-70072110.00
70072900.00 Other laminated safety glass kilogram/square meter 50%  L Compare-70072190.00
70080010.00 Hollow or vacuum insulating glass kilogram/- 50%  L Compare-70072900.00
70080090.00 Other multiple-walled insulating units of glass: kilogram/- 50%  L Compare-70080010.00