2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
72045000.00 Remelting scrap ingots of iron steel kilogram/- 8%  9 --
72051000.00 Granules of pig iron, spiegeleisen, iron or steel kilogram/- 30%  B N Compare-72045000.00
72052100.00 Powders of alloy steel kilogram/- 17%  B N Compare-72051000.00
72052910.00 Iron powder with an average particle size of less than 10 microns kilogram/- 17%  B N Compare-72052100.00
72052990.00 Other pig iron, mirror iron, and other steel powders kilogram/- 17%  B N Compare-72052910.00
72061000.00 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72052990.00
72069000.00 Other primary forms Iron and non-alloy steel kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72061000.00
72071100.00 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, of rectangular(including square)cross-section, the width measuring less than twice the thickness(containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon) kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72069000.00
72071200.10 Other semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, of rectangular(other than square)cross-section, thickness is more than 400MM(containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon) kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72071100.00
72071200.90 Other semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, of rectangular(other than square)cross-section, (containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon) kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72071200.10
72071900.10 Other semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, thickness is more than 400MM,containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72071200.90
72071900.90 Other semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight less than 0.25% of carbon kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72071900.10
72072000.10 Continuous casting round billets for wheels (diameter 380MM and 450MM, tolerance (+ 1.2%), carbon content: 0.38% - 0.85%, manganese content: 0.68% - 1.2%, phosphorus content < 0.012%, total oxide content < 0.0012%) kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72071900.90
72072000.90 Other semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel, containing by weight 0.25% and more of carbon kilogram/- 11%  B N Compare-72072000.10
72081000.00 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel,in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72072000.90
72082500.00 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, of a thickness of 4.75mm or more,of a width of 600 mm or more,not clad, plated or coated: kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72081000.00
72082610.00 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, in coils, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mm,of a width of 600 mm or more,of a yield strength exceeding 355N/mm2not clad, kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72082500.00
72082690.00 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, in coils, of a thickness of 3mm or more but less than 4.75mm,of a width of 600 mm or more,of a yield strength less than 355N/mm2not clad kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72082610.00
72082710.00 In coils, of a thickness of less than 1.5mm,of a width of 600 mm or more,not clad, plated or coated kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72082690.00
72082790.00 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, in coils, of a thickness of 1.5mm and more but less than 3mm,of a width of 600 mm or more,not clad, plated or coated kilogram/- 14%  Compare-72082710.00