2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
73064000.00 Other,welded,of circular cross-section,of stainless steel ,the external diameter of which not exceeds 406.4mm kilogram/- 30%  --
73065000.00 Other,welded,of circular cross-section,of other alloy steel ,the external diameter of which not exceeds 406.4mm kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73064000.00
73066100.00 Other,welded,of square or rectangular cross-section kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73065000.00
73066900.00 Other,welded,of other non-circular cross-section kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73066100.00
73069000.10 Multiple-wall pipes(directly contact the chemicals and its surface produced by special erosion-proof materials) kilogram/piece 30%  3 M/ Compare-73066900.00
73069000.90 Other tubes,pipes and hollow profiles,not elsewhere specified or included kilogram/piece 30%  M/ Compare-73069000.10
73071100.00 Tube or pipe fittings of non-malleable cast iron kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73069000.90
73071900.00 Other tube or pipe fittings of malleable cast iron or steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73071100.00
73072100.00 Flanges of stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73071900.00
73072200.00 Threaded elbows,bends and sleeves ,of stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73072100.00
73072300.00 Butt welding fittings ,of stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73072200.00
73072900.00 Other tube or pipe fittings ,of stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73072300.00
73079100.00 Flanges of iron or steel,not elsewhere specified or included (other than stainless steel ) kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73072900.00
73079200.00 Threaded elbows,bends and sleeves ,of iron or steel,not elsewhere specified or included ,other than stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73079100.00
73079300.00 Butt welding fittings ,of iron or steel,not elsewhere specified or included ,other than stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73079200.00
73079900.00 Other tube or pipe fittings ,of iron or steel,not elsewhere specified or included ,other than stainless steel kilogram/- 20%  Compare-73079300.00
73081000.00 Bridges and bridge-sections ,of iron or steel: kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73079900.00
73082000.00 Towers and lattice masts ,of iron or steel: kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73081000.00
73083000.00 Doors,windows and their frames and thresholds for doors ,of iron or steel: kilogram/- 50%  L/ Compare-73082000.00
73084000.00 Equipment for scaffolding,shuttering,propping or pit-propping ,of iron or steel: kilogram/- 30%  Compare-73083000.00