2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84289090.10 Radiochemical separation operations and remote control robots for hot cells (able to run through hot walls or tops of above 0.6 m) set/kilogram 30%  3 --
84289090.20 Fuel handling machines for nuclear reactors (used to insert or remove the fuel from nuclear reactors) set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84289090.10
84289090.30 A robotic arm device specifically designed for manufacturing precision cast intermediate products (including ceramic cores, wax mold modules, and shells) for gas turbine engines/turbine blades, guides, casings, and other turbine configuration components set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84289090.20
84289090.90 Other lifting, carrying, loading and unloading mechanical appliances set/kilogram 30%  Compare-84289090.30
84291110.00 Bulldozers and angledozers , track laying ,with an engine of an output exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 17%  A M Compare-84289090.90
84291190.00 Other bulldozers and angledozers , track laying ,with an engine of an output not exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 30%  A M Compare-84291110.00
84291910.00 Bulldozers and angledozers ,not track laying ,with an engine of an output exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 17%  A M Compare-84291190.00
84291990.00 Other bulldozers and angledozers , not track laying ,with an engine of an output not exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 30%  A M Compare-84291910.00
84292010.00 Graders and levellers , with an engine of an output exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 17%  A M/ Compare-84291990.00
84292090.00 Other graders and levellers , with an engine of an output not exceeding 235.36KW(320hp) set/kilogram 17%  A M/ Compare-84292010.00
84293010.00 Scrapers , having a capacity of shovel exceeding 10m3 set/kilogram 17%  A M Compare-84292090.00
84293090.00 Other scrapers , having a capacity of shovel not exceeding 10m3 set/kilogram 30%  A M Compare-84293010.00
84294011.00 Road rollers ,vibration type, of a deadweight of 18t or more set/kilogram 20%  OA M Compare-84293090.00
84294019.00 Other self-propelled road rollers set/kilogram 40%  OA M Compare-84294011.00
84294090.00 Other tamping machines and road rollers not spcified or included eleswhere set/kilogram 30%  A M Compare-84294019.00
84295100.00 Front-end shovel loaders set/kilogram 30%  A M Compare-84294090.00
84295211.00 Excavators , tyre-mounted ,machinery with a 360 revolving superstructure set/kilogram 30%  OA M Compare-84295100.00
84295212.00 Excavators , track-mounted ,machinery with a 360 revolving superstructure set/kilogram 30%  OA M/ Compare-84295211.00
84295219.00 Other excavators with a 360 revolving superstructure set/kilogram 30%  OA M Compare-84295212.00
84295290.00 Other machinery with a 360 revolving superstructure ,mechanical shovels and shovel loaders included set/kilogram 30%  OA M Compare-84295219.00