2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84431400.00 Letterpress printing machinery, reel fed, excluding flexographic printing set/kilogram 35%  --
84431500.00 Letterpress printing machinery, other than reel fed, excluding flexographic printing set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431400.00
84431600.01 Aniline presses, linear speed≥300m/min, breadth≥800mm(flexographic presses, machines using the commodities under Heading No. 84.42 fo rprinting) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431500.00
84431600.02 Unit-type Flexographic Press, Linear velocity≥160m /min, 250mm≤width<800mm (Supporting Thermoprinting、holographic printing or screen printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431600.01
84431600.90 Other aniline presses(flexographic presses, machines using the commodities under Heading No.8442 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431600.02
84431700.01 Intaglio presses, linear speed≥350m/min, breadth≥800mm(machines using the commodities under Heading No. 84.42 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431600.90
84431700.90 Other intaglio presses(machines using the commodities under Heading No. 84.42 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431700.01
84431921.01 Textile rotary screen printing machines set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431700.90
84431921.90 Other rotary screen printing machines(machines using the commodities under Heading No. 84.42 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431921.01
84431922.01 Textile flat screen printing machines set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431921.90
84431922.90 Other flat screen presses(machines using the commodities under Heading No. 8442 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431922.01
84431929.00 Other screen printing machinery (machines using the commodities under the Heading No. 8442 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84431922.90
84431980.00 Other printing machinery not specified, other than screen printing machinery (machines using the commodities under the Heading No. 8442 for printing) set/kilogram 35%  O Compare-84431929.00
84433110.10 Static light-sensitive multi-functional encryption faxes (can be connected to auto data processing equipments or network) set/kilogram 70%  2 L Compare-84431980.00
84433110.90 Other static light-sensitive multi-functional faxes (can be connected to auto data processing equipments or network) set/kilogram 70%  L Compare-84433110.10
84433190.10 Other machines with both printing and copying functions (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network) set/kilogram 17%  A L Compare-84433110.90
84433190.20 Other multi-functional encryption facsimile machines(machines with at least one of the two functions:printing or copying) set/kilogram 17%  2A L/M Compare-84433190.10
84433190.90 Other machines with at least one of the three functions: printing, copying or faxing (excluding machines with two functions: printing and copying, able to be connected to auto data processing equipment or network) set/kilogram 17%  A L/M Compare-84433190.20
84433211.00 Stylus printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network) set/kilogram 14%  A L Compare-84433190.90
84433212.00 Laser printers of a kind solely used in the machines of heading No.84.71 (can be connected to auto data processing equipment or network) set/kilogram 14%  A L Compare-84433211.00