2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84602319.00 Other Cylindrical grinding machines,numerically controlled, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 20%  O --
84602390.00 Other Cylindrical grinding machines,numerically controlled, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602319.00
84602411.00 Internal grinding machines,numerically controlled, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 20%  O Compare-84602390.00
84602419.00 Other grinding machines,numerically controlled, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 20%  O Compare-84602411.00
84602490.00 Other grinding machines, numerically controlled,for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602419.00
84602911.00 Cylindrical grinding machines,non-Numerically controlled,in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602490.00
84602912.00 Internal grinding machines,non-Numerically controlled,in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602911.00
84602913.00 Grinding machines of roll, non-numerically controlled, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602912.00
84602919.00 Grinding machines of roll, non-numerically controlled, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602913.00
84602990.00 Other grinding machines, in which the positioning in any one axis can be set up to an accuracy of at least 0.01mm, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84602919.00
84603100.00 Sharpening machines, Numerically controlled, for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 20%  Compare-84602990.00
84603900.00 Other sharpening machines for working metal(including for working cermets) set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84603100.00
84604010.00 Honing metal machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84603900.00
84604020.00 Lapping metal machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84604010.00
84609010.00 Grinding wheel machines for working metal set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84604020.00
84609020.00 Polishing metal machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84609010.00
84609090.00 Other machines for working metal by means of grinding stones, abrasives set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84609020.00
84612010.00 Shaping machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84609090.00
84612020.00 Slotting machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84612010.00
84613000.00 Broaching machines set/kilogram 50%  Compare-84612020.00