2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84099199.40 Nozzles,suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines kilogram/- 35%  --
84099199.50 Valve rocker arms ,suitable for use solely or principally with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84099199.40
84099199.90 Other parts of spark-ignition internal combustion piston engines kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84099199.50
84099910.00 Parts suitable for other marine propulsion engines kilogram/- 11%  Compare-84099199.90
84099920.00 Parts suitable for locomotive engines kilogram/- 11%  Compare-84099910.00
84099991.00 Parts suitable for engines with an output of 132.39 kw(180hp) or more kilogram/- 11%  Compare-84099920.00
84099999.10 Electronically controlled diesel fuel injection device and its parts(refer to other items listed in the 8408 engine use) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84099991.00
84099999.90 Special parts for other engines (suitable for other engines listed in Heading No. 84.07 and 84.08) kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84099999.10
84101100.00 Hydraulic turbines,water wheels of a power not exceeding 1000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84099999.90
84101200.00 Hydraulic turbines,water wheels ,of a power exceeding 1000kW but not exceeding10000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84101100.00
84101310.00 Impulse hydraulic turbines and water wheels of a power exceeding 30000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84101200.00
84101320.00 Radial hydraulic turbines and water wheels of a power exceeding 35000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84101310.00
84101330.00 Pumping hydraulic turbines and water wheels of a power exceeding 200000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84101320.00
84101390.00 Other turbines and water wheels of a power exceeding 10000kw set/kilogram 35%  Compare-84101330.00
84109010.00 Regulators of turbines and water wheels kilogram/set 35%  Compare-84101390.00
84109090.00 Other parts of turbines and water wheels ,other than regulators kilogram/- 35%  Compare-84109010.00
Turbofan engines (of a thrust≤25KN) set/kilogram 11%  3 Compare-84109090.00
84111110.10 dual-use item control drone specific turbofan engine,with a power greater than 16 kW and a thrust ≤ 25 kN set/kilogram 11%  3 Compare-84111110.00
84111110.90 Other turbofan engines with thrust ≤ 25 kN set/kilogram 11%  3 Compare-84111110.10
Other turbo-jets (of a thrust≤25KN) set/kilogram 11%  Compare-84111110.90