2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
85076000.90 Other lithium-iron accumulators piece/kilogram 40%  A M --
85078030.00 Vanadium redox flow batteries piece/kilogram 40%  Compare-85076000.90
85078090.00 Other batteries piece/kilogram 40%  Compare-85078030.00
85079010.00 Lead acid battery parts kilogram/- 90%  Compare-85078090.00
85079090.00 parts of Other accumulators kilogram/- 40%  Compare-85079010.00
85081100.00 Vacuum cleaners with self-contained electric motor, Of a power not exceeding 1500W and having a dust bag or other receptacle capacity not exceeding 20L set/kilogram 130%  L Compare-85079090.00
85081900.00 Other vacuum cleaners with self-contained electric motor set/kilogram 30%  L Compare-85081100.00
85086000.00 Other vacuum cleaners (non-electric) set/kilogram 30%  Compare-85081900.00
85087010.00 Parts Of the cleaners of subheading No.8508.1100 kilogram/- 100%  Compare-85086000.00
85087090.00 Parts of Other vacuum cleaners kilogram/- 20%  Compare-85087010.00
85094010.00 Fruit or vegetable juice extractors set/kilogram 100%  A L/R Compare-85087090.00
85094090.00 Food grinders and mixers set/kilogram 100%  A L/R Compare-85094010.00
85098010.00 Floor polishers set/kilogram 100%  Compare-85094090.00
85098020.00 Kitchen waste disposers set/kilogram 100%  Compare-85098010.00
85098090.00 Other household electric appliances set/kilogram 100%  A L Compare-85098020.00
85099000.00 Parts of electro-mechanical domestic appliances, with selfcontained electric motor kilogram/- 100%  Compare-85098090.00
85101000.00 Shavers, with self-contained electric motor piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-85099000.00
85102000.00 Hair clippers, with self-contained electric motor piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-85101000.00
85103000.00 Hair-removing appliances, with self-contained electric motor piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-85102000.00
85109000.00 Parts of goods of heading No. 85.10 kilogram/- 100%  Compare-85103000.00