2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
90219019.00 other brace kilogram/piece 17%  --
90219090.00 Other devices for compensating physiological defects, disability aids, etc. kilogram/- 17%  Compare-90219019.00
90221200.00 Computed tomography apparatus set/kilogram 11%  6OA M Compare-90219090.00
90221300.00 Other apparatus based on the use of X-rays, for dental uses set/kilogram 11%  6OA M Compare-90221200.00
90221400.10 Medical linear accelerators set/kilogram 11%  6OA M Compare-90221300.00
90221400.90 Other medical or veterinary X-ray applications set/kilogram 11%  6OA M Compare-90221400.10
90221910.00 Low-dose X-ray security inspection equipment set/kilogram 11%  A M Compare-90221400.90
90221920.00 x-ray Non Destructive Test (NDT) Equipments set/kilogram 11%  A M Compare-90221910.00
90221990.10 X-ray fully-automatic fuel pellet inspection stations (specially designed or manufactured to examine the final dimensions and surface defects of the fuel pellets) set/kilogram 11%  3A M Compare-90221920.00
90221990.20 X-ray wafer thickness measuring equipment set/kilogram 11%  A M Compare-90221990.10
90221990.90 Other X-ray applications set/kilogram 11%  6A M Compare-90221990.20
90222110.00 Equipment using alpha, beta, and gamma rays set/kilogram 11%  6A M Compare-90221990.90
90222190.00 Equipment for using other ion rays set/kilogram 17%  6A M Compare-90222110.00
90222910.00 γ-ray Non Destructive Test (NDT) Equipments set/kilogram 11%  A M Compare-90222190.00
90222990.10 γ-ray automatic fuel pellet inspection stand (specially designed or manufactured for inspecting the final size and surface blemish of fuel pellets) set/kilogram 11%  3A M Compare-90222910.00
90222990.90 Other types of α-ray, β-ray and γ-ray equipments for non-medical use set/kilogram 11%  Compare-90222990.10
90223000.00 X-ray tubes piece/kilogram 11%  A M Compare-90222990.90
90229010.00 X-ray intensifiers piece/kilogram 11%  AO M Compare-90223000.00
90229090.20 Flash X-ray generators (peak energy≥500 keV) piece/kilogram 14%  3O Compare-90229010.00
90229090.30 Special probes for X-ray tomography instruments piece/kilogram 14%  O Compare-90229090.20