2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
92071000.00 Keyboard instruments, the sound of which is produced or must be amplified electrically other than accordions piece/kilogram 100%  L --
92079000.10 Other instruments containing endangered species that produce or amplify sound through electricity piece/kilogram 100%  EF Compare-92071000.00
92079000.90 Other instruments that produce or amplify sound by electricity piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-92079000.10
92081000.00 Musical boxes piece/kilogram 80%  Compare-92079000.90
92089000.00 Other musical instruments, nor specified or included in Chapter 92 (including fairground organs, mechanical street organs, mechanical singing birds, musical saws) piece/kilogram 80%  Compare-92081000.00
92093000.00 Musical instrument strings kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92089000.00
92099100.10 Piano parts and accessories containing endangered species kilogram/- 70%  EF Compare-92093000.00
92099100.90 Other parts and accessories of the piano kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099100.10
92099200.10 Parts and accessories of the instruments listed in heading 92.02 containing endangered species kilogram/- 70%  EF Compare-92099100.90
92099200.90 Other parts and accessories of the instruments listed in heading 92.02 kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099200.10
92099400.10 Parts and accessories of the instruments listed in heading 92.07 containing endangered species kilogram/- 70%  EF Compare-92099200.90
92099400.90 Other parts and accessories of the instruments listed in heading 92.07 kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099400.10
92099910.00 Metronomes, tuning forks and pitch pipes kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099400.90
92099920.00 Mechanisms for musical boxes kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099910.00
92099990.10 Musical instrument parts containing endangered species in other chapters not listed in this chapter kilogram/- 70%  EF Compare-92099920.00
92099990.90 Other musical instrument parts not listed in this chapter kilogram/- 70%  Compare-92099990.10