2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
94033000.90 Other wooden furniture, used in offices piece/kilogram 100%  AB M.P/Q --
94034000.10 Furniture of endangered wood, used in the kitchen Wooden furniture, used in the kitchen piece/kilogram 100%  ABFE P/Q Compare-94033000.90
94034000.90 Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom: piece/kilogram 100%  AB M.P/Q Compare-94034000.10
94035010.10 Furniture of endangered rose wood, used in the bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  ABFE P/Q Compare-94034000.90
94035010.90 Other furniture of rose wood, used in the bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  AB P/Q Compare-94035010.10
94035091.00 Furniture of lacquered wood, used in the bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  AB M/P/Q Compare-94035010.90
94035099.10 Furniture of endangered wood, used in bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  ABFE P/Q Compare-94035091.00
94035099.90 Furniture of other wood, used in bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  AB M.P/Q Compare-94035099.10
94036010.10 Other furniture of endangered rose wood (not used in the bedroom) piece/kilogram 100%  ABFE P/Q Compare-94035099.90
94036010.90 Other furniture of rose wood(not used in bedroom) piece/kilogram 100%  AB P/Q Compare-94036010.10
94036091.00 other furniture of lacquered wood, not used in the bedroom piece/kilogram 100%  AB M/P/Q Compare-94036010.90
94036099.10 Other furniture of endangered wood(not use in the bedroom) piece/kilogram 100%  ABFE P/Q Compare-94036091.00
94036099.90 Other furniture of wood(not used in the bedroom) piece/kilogram 100%  AB P/Q Compare-94036099.10
94037000.00 Furniture of plastics piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-94036099.90
94038200.10 Furniture of endangered wild bamboo piece/kilogram 100  ABE P/Q Compare-94037000.00
94038200.90 Furniture of other bamboo piece/kilogram 100  AB P/Q Compare-94038200.10
94038300.10 Furniture of endangered rattan piece/kilogram 100  ABEF P/Q Compare-94038200.90
94038300.90 Furniture of other rattan piece/kilogram 100  AB P/Q Compare-94038300.10
94038910.00 Furniture Of osier or similar materials piece/kilogram 100%  AB P/Q Compare-94038300.90
94038920.00 Furniture Of stone piece/kilogram 100%  Compare-94038910.00