03023900.00 |
Other bluefin tunas(thunnus maccoyii), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
-- |
03024100.10 |
Clupea pallasii, fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03023900.00 |
03024100.90 |
Herrings(Clupea harengus), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024100.10 |
03024200.00 |
Anchovies(Engraulis spp.), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024100.90 |
03024300.00 |
Sardines(Sardina pilchardus, Sardinops spp.)sardinella(Sardinella spp.), brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus),fresh or chilled, excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024200.00 |
03024400.00 |
Mackerel(Scomber scombrus, Scomber australasicus, Scomber Japonicus),fresh or chilled, excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024300.00 |
03024500.00 |
Jack and horse mackerel(Trachurus spp.), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024400.00 |
03024600.00 |
Cobia(Rachycentron canadum),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024500.00 |
03024700.00 |
Swordfish(Xiphias gladius), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024600.00 |
03024910.00 |
Fresh or cold silver pomfret (genus Pomfret) |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024700.00 |
03024990.00 |
Fresh or cold fish under item 0302.4 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024910.00 |
03025100.00 |
Cod(Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03024990.00 |
03025200.00 |
Haddock(Melanogrammus aeglefinus),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025100.00 |
03025300.00 |
Coalfish(Pollachius virens),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025200.00 |
03025400.00 |
Hake(Merluccius spp. , Urophycis spp.),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025300.00 |
03025500.00 |
Alaska Pollack(Pollachius virens),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025400.00 |
03025600.00 |
Blue whitings(Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025500.00 |
03025900.00 |
Other fish of the families Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae,fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025600.00 |
03027100.00 |
Tilapias(Oreochromis spp.), fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03025900.00 |
03027200.00 |
Catfish(Pangasius spp., Silurus spp., Clarias spp., Ictalurus spp.),fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 |
kilogram/- |
40% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
Compare-03027100.00 |