2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
03036300.00 Cod(Gadus morhua, Gadusogac, Gadus macrocephalus),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S --
03036400.00 Haddock(Melanogrammus aeglefinus),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03036300.00
03036500.00 Coalfish(Pollachius virens),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03036400.00
03036600.00 Hake(Merluccius spp. Urophycis spp.),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03036500.00
03036700.00 Alaska Pollack(Theragra chalcogramma),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  ABU P/R/Q/S Compare-03036600.00
03036800.00 Blue whitings(Micromesistius poutassou, Micromesistius australis),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03036700.00
03036900.00 Others fish of the famillies Bregmacerotidae, Euclichthyidae, Gadidae, Macrouridae, Moridae and Muraenolepididae, frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03036800.00
03038100.10 Endangered shark,(excluding livers and roes), frozen kilogram/- 40%  ABFE P.R/Q.S Compare-03036900.00
03038100.90 Other sharks, (excluding livers and roes), frozen kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S Compare-03038100.10
03038200.00 Rays and skates(Rajidae),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03038100.90
03038300.00 Toothfish(Dissostichus spp.),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  ABU P/R/Q/S Compare-03038200.00
03038400.00 Seabass(Dicentrarchus spp.), frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03038300.00
03038910.00 Scabber fish(Trichurius),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03038400.00
03038920.00 Yellow croaker(Pseudosicaena),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03038910.00
03038930.00 Butterfish(Pampus),frozen,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0303.91 to NO. 0303.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S Compare-03038920.00
03038990.01 Other perch, frozen (excluding livers and roes) kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S Compare-03038930.00
03038990.10 Other endangered fish frozen, not elsewhere specified or included,(excluding livers and roes) kilogram/- 40%  ABFE P.R/Q.S Compare-03038990.01
03038990.20 Frozen flat scorpionfish genera(excluding livers and roes) kilogram/- 40%  ABU P.R/Q.S Compare-03038990.10
03038990.30 Frozen Jun scorpionfish belongs to fin (leaf scorpionfish) kilogram/- 40%  ABU P.R/Q.S Compare-03038990.20
03038990.90 Other fish frozen, not elsewhere specified or included,(excluding livers and rose) kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S Compare-03038990.30