2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
29315400.00 Trichlorfon (ISO) kilogram/- 30%  S --
29315900.10 Closarin (isopropyl methyl chlorophosphonate),Closoman (pinate methyl chlorophosphonate) kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29315400.00
29315900.20 Alkyl fluorophosphonate,less than 10 carbon atoms kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29315900.10
29315900.30 Alkyl phosphonyl difluoride kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29315900.20
29315900.40 Tributyl chloride benzylphosphonium,ethephon,fluthrin,bromophenylphosphine,butylphosphine kilogram/- 30%  S Compare-29315900.30
29315900.50 N - {1 - [dialkyl (carbon chain with less than or equal to 10 carbon atoms,including naphthenic) amino] alkylene (hydrogen,carbon chain with less than or equal to 10 carbon atoms,including naphthenic)} - P-alkyl (carbon chain with less than or equal to 10 carbon atoms,including naphthenic) fluorophosphamide and corresponding alkylate or protonated salt kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29315900.40
29315900.60 [bis (diethylamino) methylene] methylfluorophosphamide kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29315900.50
29315900.70 Toxic soil phosphorus kilogram/- 30%  23S Compare-29315900.60
29315900.80 salts and related compounds of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFO class A ) kilogram/- 30%  XAB Compare-29315900.70
29315900.90 Other halogenated organophosphorus derivatives kilogram/- 30%  AB M.R/N.S Compare-29315900.80
29319000.01 Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29315900.90
29319000.11 2-Chlorovinyl dichloroarsine kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29319000.01
29319000.12 Bis (2-chloroethenyl) chloroarsine kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29319000.11
29319000.13 Tris (2-chlorovinyl) arsine kilogram/- 30%  23 Compare-29319000.12
29319000.14 Zirconium reagent,cacodylic acid and the like kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.13
29319000.15 Sodium 4-aminophenyl arsonate,phenyl arsine dichloride kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.14
29319000.16 Anthraquinone-1-arsonic acid,tricyclotine (Putnam) and the like kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.15
29319000.17 Triethyltin sulfate,dibutyltin oxide and the like kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.16
29319000.18 Tetraethyl tin,trimethyl tin acetate kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.17
29319000.19 Toadstool tin kilogram/- 30%  Compare-29319000.18