2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
30049059.90 Medicaments of Chinese style, containing other composition, put up in measured doses, packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  Q --
30049090.10 Medicaments containing composition of endangered animals or vegetables, without taxinol, put up in measured doses, packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  FEQ Compare-30049059.90
30049090.21 Medicaments containing taxinol (put up in measured doses or in forms or packings for retail sale, approved for registration) kilogram/- 30  EFQ Compare-30049090.10
30049090.29 Other drugs containing paclitaxel (with fixed dose or made into retail packaging) kilogram/- 30  EFQ Compare-30049090.21
30049090.30 Other single preparations containing narcotic drugs of Chapter 29, put up in measured doses, packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-30049090.29
30049090.41 Compound preparation of Diphenoxylate, put up in measured doses or packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-30049090.30
30049090.42 Tramadol compound preparations kilogram/- 30  I Compare-30049090.41
30049090.49 Other single preparations containing psychotropic substances of Chapter 29, put up in measured doses or packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-30049090.42
30049090.50 Compound preparations containing dextropropoxyphene and its salts, put up in measured doses, packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-30049090.49
30049090.60 Compound camphor tincture (Tincture of opium, camphor, Benzoic acid, oleum anisi stellati), packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  I Compare-30049090.50
30049090.82 Preparations containing Nitroxinil , Flunixin meglumine and meloxicam , veterinary, put up in measured doses or in forms of packings for retail sale kilogram/- 30%  9 Compare-30049090.60
30049090.84 Formulated dosage of veterinary preparations (including commodities in the Management Catalogue of imported veterinary drugs; including retail packaging) kilogram/- 30  R Compare-30049090.82
30049090.85 Other commodities listed in the doping catalogue (including retail packaging) kilogram/- 30  L Compare-30049090.84
30049090.91 With FG-4592(CAS 808118-40-3,a kind of hypoxia inducible factor - prolinehydroxylase inhibitors) have been preparations dosage (including retail wrapping) kilogram/- 30%  Q Compare-30049090.85
30049090.93 Anti-anti-cancer drug preparation (excluding cancer adjuvant treatment drugs) kilogram/- 30%  Q Compare-30049090.91
30049090.98 Pharmaceutical preparations for rare diseases, including the first batch and the second batch of related commodities in the list of rare diseases drugs kilogram/- 30  Q Compare-30049090.93
30049090.99 Other equipped with fixed dose drug (including retail wrapping) kilogram/- 30%  Q Compare-30049090.98