2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
52101100.11 Plain Poplin and fine cloth of cotton, unbleached, mixed with polyester staple fibres, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  --
52101100.12 Plain cloth of cotton, unbleached, mixed with polyester staple fibres, weight≤200g/㎡,containing 85% by weight of cotton, No.68 or below meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.11
52101100.13 Plain cheese cloth of cotton, unbleached, mixed with polyester staple fibres, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.12
52101100.14 Plain cloth of cotton for printing and dyeing, unbleached, mixed with polyester staple fibres, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, No.43-68 meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.13
52101100.15 Plain Voiles and muslin of cotton, unbleached, mixed with polyester stapie fibres, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, No.69 or above meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.14
52101100.91 Plain Poplin and fine cloth of cotton, mixed with other man-made fibres, unbleached, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.15
52101100.92 Plain cloth of cotton, mixed with other man-made fibres, unbleached, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, No.68 or above meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.91
52101100.93 Plain cheese cloth of cotton, mixed with other man-made fibres, unbleached, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.92
52101100.94 Cloth of cotton for printing and dyeing, mixed with other man-made fibres, unbleached, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, No.43-68 meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.93
52101100.95 Voiles and muslin of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, unbleached, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton No.69 or above meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.94
52101910.00 3 or 4-thread fabrics or cross twill fabrics of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, unbleached, weight≤ 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101100.95
52101990.00 Other unbleached and synthetic fiber blended lightweight cotton fabric meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101910.00
52102100.00 Plain weave fabrics of cotton, mixed with other man-made fibres, bleached, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52101990.00
52102910.00 3 or 4-thread fabrics or cross twill fabrics of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, weight≤200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52102100.00
52102990.00 Other fabrics of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, bleached , weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52102910.00
52103100.00 Plain weave fabrics of cotton, mixed with man- made fibres,dyed,weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52102990.00
52103200.00 3 or 4-thread twill or cross twill fabrics of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, dyed, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52103100.00
52103900.00 Other fabrics of cotton, mixed with man-made fibres, dyed, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52103200.00
52104100.00 Plain weave fabrics of cotton, yarn-dyed, mixed with man-made fibres, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200g/㎡ meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52103900.00
52104910.00 3 or 4-thread twill or cross twill fabrics of cotton, yarn-dyed, mixed with man-made fibres, weighing not more than 200g/㎡, containing less than 85% by weight of cotton meter/kilogram 90%  Compare-52104100.00