2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine Compare
84798310.90 Cold isostatic press for metal processing set/kilogram 30%  --
84798390.10 Other cold isostatic press set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798310.90
84798390.90 Other cold isostatic press set/kilogram 30%  Compare-84798390.10
84798910.00 Steering and rudder equipment or gyroscopic stabilizers for ships set/kilogram 14%  Compare-84798390.90
84798920.00 Air humidifiers or dehumidifiers set/kilogram 70%  L/ Compare-84798910.00
84798940.00 Bundle and printed matter sorting machines used in post offices set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798920.00
84798950.00 Presses for radioactive waste material set/kilogram 30%  Compare-84798940.00
84798961.00 Automatic plug-in machines set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798950.00
84798962.00 Automatic coreslice adhering machines set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798961.00
84798969.00 Other machines for assemblying elements on printed circuit boards set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798962.00
84798992.00 Three-dimensional automatic warehouse equipment set/kilogram 30%  A M/ Compare-84798969.00
84798999.10 Metal master disk equipments for producing compact disks (with an independent function) set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798992.00
84798999.20 Bonders for producing compact disks (with an independent function) set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798999.10
84798999.30 Vacuum metal sputtering machines for producing compact disks (with an independent function) set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798999.20
84798999.40 Protective rubber-coated and dye-layer spin-coating machines ( for producing compact disks,with an independent function) set/kilogram 30%  M/ Compare-84798999.30
84798999.52 Bioreactor(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items) set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798999.40
84798999.53 Chemostat(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items) set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798999.52
84798999.54 Successive perfusion system(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items) set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798999.53
84798999.55 Three-coordinate or multi-coordinate linkage and program control filament winding machine(machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items) set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798999.54
84798999.59 Other machines and mechanical appliances under control of dual-use items set/kilogram 30%  3 Compare-84798999.55