2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:2 2025 01 292025 01 29 吉林省众慷大药房 代代 346.90 4.30 342.60 0.00 342.60 216.86 125.74 36.70 42.83 2.00 8.00 8.00 0.00 0.00

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
04041000.10 Feed whey (protein content by weight 2-7%, lactose content 76-88%) kilogram/- 30%  AB P/R/Q
16022000.10 Prepared or preserved liver of endangered animal(other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  ABEF P.R/Q.S
16022000.90 Prepared or preserved liver of other animal (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023100.00 Prepared or preserved meat, meat offal of Of turkeys (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P/R/Q/S
16023291.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken breast filets (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P/R/Q/S
16023292.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken leg meat (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P/R/Q/S
16023299.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken products (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P/R/Q/S
16023991.00 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal of duck (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023999.00 Other prepared or preserved meat, meat offal of the poultry of heading No.01.05(other than fowls of the species Gallas domesticus, duck), other than that of chapter 2,3 kilogram/- 90%  AB P/R/Q/S
18062000.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa preparations in blocks, slabs or bars weighing more than 2kg or in liquid, paste,powder, granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings, of a content exceeding 2kg kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18063100.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars, filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18063200.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa, in blocks, slabs or bars,not filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18069000.00 Other chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
22042100.00 Other wine of fresh grapes, in containers holding 2L or less liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22042900.00 Other wine of fresh grapes, in containers holding more than 2L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22051000.00 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances, in containers holding 2L or less liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22059000.00 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances, in containers holding more than 2L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
27101919.20 Isoalkane solvent, excluding biodiesel with initial boiling point of 225 ℃, flash point of 92 ℃, density of 0.79g/cm3 kilogram/liter 20%  4ABxy M/N