2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:2024年11月2日狮子座运势综合

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
04041000.10 Feed whey (2-7% protein content by weight,76-88% lactose content) kilogram/- 30%  AB P.R/Q
16022000.10 Prepared or preserved liver of endangered animal(other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  ABEF P.R/Q.S
16022000.90 Prepared or preserved liver of other animal (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023100.00 Prepared or preserved meat,meat offal of Of turkeys (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023291.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken breast filets (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023292.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken leg meat (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023299.00 Other prepared or preserved chicken products (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023991.00 Other prepared or preserved meat,meat offal of duck (other than that of chapter 2,3) kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
16023999.00 Other prepared or preserved meat,meat offal of the poultry of heading No.01.05(other than fowls of the species Gallas domesticus,duck),other than that of chapter 2,3 kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
18062000.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa preparations in blocks,slabs or bars weighing more than 2kg or in liquid,paste,powder,granular or other bulk form in containers or immediate packings,of a content exceeding 2kg kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18063100.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa,in blocks,slabs or bars,filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18063200.00 Other food preparations containing cocoa,in blocks,slabs or bars,not filled( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
18069000.00 Other chocolate and other food preparations containing cocoa( in immediate packings of a content not exceeding 2kg) kilogram/- 50%  AB R/S
22042100.00 Other wine of fresh grapes,in containers holding 2L or less liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22042900.00 Other wine of fresh grapes,in containers holding more than 2L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22051000.00 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances,in containers holding 2L or less liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
22059000.00 Vermouth and other wine of fresh grapes flavoured with plants or aromatic substances,in containers holding more than 2L liter/kilogram 180%  AB R/S
26209990.11 Slag,ash and residues,containing by weight more than 20% of V2O5(other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) kilogram/- 35%  9 M/
26209990.19 Slag,ash and residues,containing by weight more than 10% but not exceeding 20% of V2O5(other than from the manufacture of iron or steel) kilogram/- 35%  9 M/
27101919.20 Isoparaffin solvents,biodiesel-free kilogram/liter 20%  4ABxy