2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:3824, mixture

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
17029012.00 Simple solid mixture of cane sugar,beet sugar and other sugars with sucrose content more than 50% kilogram/- 80%  AB R/S
21069062.00 Simple solid mixture of cane sugar,beet sugar and other food raw materials with sucrose content more than 50% kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
24031100.00 Water pipe tobacco(water pipe tobacco means tobacco intended for smoking in a water pipe and which consists of a mixture of tobacco and glycerol,whether or not containing aromatic oils and extracts,molasses or sugar,and whether or not flavoured with fr kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/Q.S
27101291.01 Nonene(mixture of C9 isomers content more than 90%),other than those containing biodiesel kilogram/- 20%  4Axy M/
27101299.10 Mixture of isomers of isoamylene,other than those containing biodiesel kilogram/liter 20%  4Axy M/
27101999.10 White oil (colorless and transparent oily liquid composed of liquid hydrocarbon mixture,obtained by fractional distillation of crude oil) kilogram/liter 20%  B /N
27150000.10 Asphalt mixture (such as asphalt adhesive,cutback asphalt) with mineral oil distilled below 440 ℃ and more than 5% by volume kilogram/liter 35% 
28441000.90 Contains natural uranium alloy or natural uranium compounds,dispersions(including metal ceramic),ceramic products and mixture gram/million Bq 30%  23
28442000.90 Other U235 enriched uranium and plutonium and its compounds(including its alloy,dispersions,ceramic products and mixture) gram/million Bq 30%  23
28444390.29 Ra-226 alloy and mixture gram/million Bq 30%  3
28459000.40 Mixture containing helium-3 gram/million Bq 30%  3
28469028.00 Mixture of rareearth chlorides kilogram/- 30%  4Bxy /N
28469048.10 Mixture Of rare-earth carbonate kilogram/- 30%  4Bxy /N
28469048.90 Other mixture Of rare-earth carbonate,measure the medium heavy tombarthite metal with a total content 30% or more by the weight kilogram/- 30%  4Bxy /N
38123100.00 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,2-dihydroquinoline (TMQ) oligomer mixture kilogram/- 20% 
38249991.00 A mixture containing talc more than 50% by weight kilogram/- 35%  4xy
38249992.00 A mixture containing more than 70% by weight of magnesium oxide kilogram/- 35%  4xy
38249999.30 Cyanide mixture kilogram/- 35% 
38249999.50 A mixture of triethanolamine,a mixture of methyldiethanolamine,a mixture of cyclic phosphonate A and cyclic phosphonate B kilogram/- 35%  23
38249999.80 Zinc oxide content of 50% by weight or more of the mixture kilogram/- 35%