2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:42010

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
42010000.10 Saddlery and harness for any animal(including traces,leads,knee pads,muzzles,saddle cloths,saddle bags,dog coats and the like),of materials of endangered wild animals kilogram/- 100%  FE
42010000.90 Saddlery and harness for any animal(including traces,leads,knee pads,muzzles,saddle cloths,saddle bags,dog coats and the like),of any material (other than the material of wild animals) kilogram/- 100% 
01042010.00 goats,Pure-bred breeding kilogram/head AB P/Q
06042010.10 Fresh endangered wild moss and lichen kilogram/- 100%  ABE P/Q
06042010.90 Other fresh mosses and lichens kilogram/- 100%  AB P/Q
29042010.00 Nitrobenzene kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N
62142010.00 Shawls,scarves,mufflers of wool,including mantillas,veils and the like bar/kilogram 130% 
63042010.00 Hand-made sub-chapter annotated one of the nets piece/kilogram 100%  S
64042010.00 Slippers kilogram/pair 100% 
84073420.10 Natural gas engines with displacement≥5.9L (spark-ignition reciprocating piston engines for the vehicles listed in Chapter 87) set/kilogram 35%  6
84201000.01 Fabric calenders set/kilogram 30% 
84201000.20 A roller press specifically or primarily used in the manufacture of printed circuit board substrates or printed circuit boards set/kilogram 30% 
84201000.90 Other calenders or rolling machines (excluding those for processing metals and glass) set/kilogram 30% 
84542010.10 VOD furnaces (vacuum degassing furnaces) set/kilogram 35%  O
84542010.90 Other secondary refining equipments set/kilogram 35%  O
84642010.00 Machines for grinding or polishing glass or glassware set/kilogram 30% 
84742010.00 crushing or grinding machines,Toothing roller type (for earth,stone,ores or other mineral substances in solid form) set/kilogram 30% 
85016420.10 By the use of renewable fuel boiler and turbine drive the alternator,350 mva power output of 665 mva or less set/kilogram 14% 
90142010.10 Automatic pilots for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) piece/kilogram 8%  3
90142010.90 Other automatic pilots piece/kilogram 8%