2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:6203.43

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
62034310.00 Synthetic fiber men's Arab pants bar/kilogram 130% 
62034390.15 Other boys' bib and brace overalls of synthetic fibres,with thermal lining bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.19 Other boys' bib and brace overalls of synthetic fibres bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.49 Boys' trousers and breeches of synthetic fibres,without thermal lining,containing 36% or more by weight of wool or fine animal hair bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.61 Other men's or boys' trousers and breeches of synthetic fibres,without thermal lining,playsuit,including boys' size 8-18 bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.69 Other boys' trousers and breeches of synthetic fibres,without thermal lining,playsuit bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.82 Other boy's trousers and breeches,size 8-18,of synthetic fibres(without thermal lining,other than playsuit or ski trousers) bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.89 Other boys' trousers and breeches of synthetic fibres,without thermal lining,other than playsuit or ski trousers bar/kilogram 130%  A M/
62034390.90 Synthetic Other Men's Pants,Chest Braces Overalls,Breeches and Shorts bar/kilogram 130%