2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:6303

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
63031210.00 Knitted curtains, etc. made of synthetic fibers kilogram/- 130% 
63031220.00 Hooked curtains, etc. made of synthetic fibers kilogram/- 130% 
63031931.00 Curtains(including drapes,interior blinds,curtain and bed valances), of cotton ,knitted kilogram/- 90% 
63031932.00 Curtains(including drapes,interior blinds,curtain and bed valances), of cotton ,crocheted kilogram/- 90% 
63031991.00 Other curtains(including drapes,interior blinds,curtain and bed valances), of textile materials ,knitted kilogram/- 130% 
63031992.00 Other curtains(including drapes,interior blinds,curtain and bed valances), of textile materials , crocheted kilogram/- 130% 
63039100.00 Non-knitted, non-crocheted curtains made of cotton kilogram/- 90% 
63039200.00 Non-knitted, non-crocheted curtains, etc. made of synthetic fibers kilogram/- 130% 
63039900.00 Curtains(including drapes,interior blinds,curtain and bed valances)of other textile materials,not knitted or crocheted kilogram/- 100% 
84463030.00 Carrier looms for weaving fabrics of a width exceeding 30cm set/kilogram 30% 
84863031.00 Step and repeat aligners for the manufacture of flat panel displays set/kilogram 100% 
84863039.00 Other apparatus for the projection or drawing of circuit patterns on sensitized semiconductor materials ( for the manufacture of flat panel displays) set/kilogram 100%