2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:8112

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
81121200.00 Unwrought beryllium and powders of beryllium kilogram/- 30%  3A M/
81121300.00 Waste and scrap of beryllium kilogram/- 30%  39
81121900.00 Other beryllium and articles thereof kilogram/- 30%  3
81122100.00 Unwrought chromium and powders of chromium kilogram/- 20%  4xy
81122200.00 Waste and scrap of chromium of chromium kilogram/- 20%  49xy
81122900.00 Other chromium and articles thereof kilogram/- 20%  4xy
81123100.11 Hafnium scrap,containing more than 60% of hafnium by weight kilogram/- 20%  39
81123100.19 Other hafnium scrap kilogram/- 20%  9
81123100.91 Hafnium or powder,unwrought,containing more than 60% by weight kilogram/- 20%  3A M/
81123100.99 Other unwrought hafnium or powder kilogram/- 20%  A M/
81123900.10 Wrought and rolled hafnium and hafnium products,containing more than 60% hafnium by weight kilogram/- 30%  3
81123900.90 Other forged and rolled hafnium and hafnium products kilogram/- 30% 
81124100.10 Unwrought rhenium scrap kilogram/- 20%  49Axy M/
81124100.90 Unwrought rhenium; powder kilogram/- 20%  4xy
81124900.00 Wrought rhenium and rhenium products kilogram/- 30%  4xy
81125100.00 Unwrought thallium and powders of thallium kilogram/- 20%  AB M/N
81125200.00 Waste and scrap of thallium of thallium kilogram/- 20%  9
81125900.00 Other thallium and articles thereof kilogram/- 30% 
81126100.00 Cadmium scrap kilogram/- 14%  9
81126910.00 Unforged cadmium; powder kilogram/- 14% 
08112000.00 Raspberries,blackberries,mulberries,loganberries,black,white or red currants and gooseberries,frozen kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q
20081120.00 Roasted ground-nuts kilogram/- 80%  AB P.R/Q.S
28112100.00 Carbon dioxide kilogram/- 30%  AB M.R/N.S
28112210.00 Silicon gel kilogram/- 30%  A R/
28112290.00 Other kilogram/- 30%  A R/
28112900.10 Arsenic trioxide; arsenic pentaoxide(including arsenious acid anhydride; White arsenic; acide arsenieux ) kilogram/- 30% 
28112900.20 Dinitrogen tetroxide (nitrogen tetroxide) kilogram/- 30%  3A M/
28112900.90 Other inorganic oxygen compounds of non-metals kilogram/- 30% 
38112100.00 Additives for lubricating oils,containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals kilogram/- 35% 
38112900.00 Additives for lubricating oils,not containing petroleum oils or oils obtained from bituminous minerals kilogram/- 35%