2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:8422.30.

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
84223010.10 with the automatic filling equipment in dairy processing set/kilogram 45%  A R/
84223010.90 Other filling equipments for beverages and liquid food set/kilogram 45%  A R/
84223021.00 Automatic filling and sacking machines for packing cement set/kilogram 45% 
84223029.00 Other machinery for packing cement set/kilogram 45% 
84223030.01 Packaging machines for automatic aseptic filling lines (processing speed ≥ 20000 pcs / hour) set/kilogram 35%  A R/
84223030.90 Other packaging machines set/kilogram 35%  A R/
84223090.01 Pipette machines for fully automatic aseptic filling lines (processing speed ≥ 22000 pcs / hour) set/kilogram 35%  A R/
84223090.10 Filling equipments (control of sensitive items) set/kilogram 35%  3
84223090.90 Inflatable beverage machines and other encapsulation machines set/kilogram 35%  A R/