2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:8424

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
84241000.10 Fire extinguishers,whether or not charged piece/kilogram 70%  LM
84241000.90 Fire extinguishers,whether or not charged piece/kilogram 70%  A LM
84242000.00 Spray guns and similar appliances piece/kilogram 40% 
84243000.00 Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines set/kilogram 40% 
84244100.00 Agricultural or horticultural portable sprayer set/kilogram 30%  L/
84244900.00 Agricultural or horticultural non-portable sprayer set/kilogram 30%  L/
84248200.00 Agriculture or gardening with other injection equipment set/kilogram 30%  L/
84248910.00 Mechanical appliances for projecting,dispersing or spraying liquids or powders ,of the household type set/kilogram 80% 
84248920.00 Spraying robot set/kilogram 80% 
84248991.00 Marine cabinet washer set/kilogram 30% 
84248999.10 Separated nozzles (consisting of slit-like curved channels of a very small curvature radius,with a separated wedge tip inside) set/kilogram 30%  3 L/
84248999.20 High-pressure water cannon for export control set/kilogram 30%  3
84248999.90 Projecting or fog spraying mechanical appliances for other purposes set/kilogram 30%  L/
84249010.00 Parts of fire extinguishers kilogram/- 70% 
84249020.00 Parts of mechanical appliancesfor projecting,dispersing or spraying liquids or powders ,of the household type kilogram/- 80%  L/
84249090.10 High pressure water cannon body for export control kilogram/- 30%  3
84249090.90 Other parts of mechanical appliancesfor projecting,dispersing or spraying liquids or powders (subheading NO.84242000、84243000、84248990) kilogram/- 30%