2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)


HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
04011000.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont> Of a fat content,by weight,not exceeding 1%,not concentrated or containing added sugar or other swe- etening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB P.R/Q.S
04012000.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont> Of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 1% but not exceeding 6%,not concentrated or containing added sugar or other swe- etening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB P.R/Q.S
04014000.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont> Of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 6% but not exceeding 10%,not concentrated or containing added sugar or other swe- etening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB P.R/Q.S
04015000.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont> Of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 10%,not concentrated or containing added sugar or other swe- etening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB P.R/Q.S
04021000.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,In powder,granules or other solid forms,of a fat content,by weight,not exceeding 1.5%,concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S
04022100.00 Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,In powder,granules or other solid forms,of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 1.5%,Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S
04022900.00 Other Milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,In powder,granules or other solid forms,of a fat content,by weight,exceeding 1.5%,containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 40%  7AB P.R/Q.S
04029100.00 other milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,concentrated,Not containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
04029900.00 Other milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,concentrated and containing added sugar or other sweetening matter kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q.S
04039000.00 Buttermilk and other fermented or acidified milk and <font color='red' >creamfont>,whether or not concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter or flavoured or containing added fruit,nuts or cocoa kilogram/- 90%  AB P.R/Q
21050000.00 Ice <font color='red' >creamfont> and other edible ice,whether or not containing cocoa kilogram/- 90%  AB R/S
29031400.10 Carbon tetrachloride,not used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont> kilogram/- 30%  89 /N
29031400.90 Carbon tetrachloride,used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont> kilogram/- 30%  49xy
29031910.10 1,1,1-Trichloroethane(methylchloro form)(other than used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont>) kilogram/- 30%  18AB M/N
29031910.90 1,1,1-Trichloroethane(methylchloro form)(used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont>) kilogram/- 30%  14Axy M/
29037720.12 Trichloro trifluoro ethanes(CFC-113),other than used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont> kilogram/- 30%  14xy
29037720.13 Trichloro trifluoro ethanes(CFC-113),used in <font color='red' >cleanerfont> kilogram/- 30%  89
33012940.00 Essential oils 0f cassia(including concretes and absolutes) kilogram/- 80%  A R/
34013000.10 Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin,in the form of liquid or <font color='red' >creamfont> and put up for retail sale,whether or not containing soap kilogram/- 130%  89
34013000.90 Organic surface-active products and preparations for washing the skin,in the form of liquid or <font color='red' >creamfont> and put up for retail sale,whether or not containing soap kilogram/- 130%  AB