2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)


HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
28041000.00 Hydrogen kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M/N
28042100.00 Argon kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M/N
28042900.10 helium kilogram/cubic meter 30% 
28042900.90 Other rare gases kilogram/cubic meter 30% 
28043000.00 Nitrogen kilogram/cubic meter 30%  AB M/N
28044000.00 Oxygen kilogram/cubic meter 80%  AB M/N
37011000.00 Unexposed photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitized, for X-ray kilogram/square meter 40% 
37013021.00 Unexposed laser phototypesetting film(with any side exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013022.00 Unexposed precoated sensitized plate(with any side exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013024.00 Unexposed CTP plate for preparing printing plates or cylinders(with any side exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013025.00 Flexible printed board, thickness<3mm, with any side exceeding 255mm kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013029.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat for preparing printing plates or cylinders(with any side exceeding 255mm), sensitized, unexposed kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013090.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat (with any side exceeding 255mm), sensitized, unexposed kilogram/square meter 70% 
37019990.00 Other plates and film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed(not for colour photography, of side lengths not exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 70% 
37021000.00 Photographic film in rolls, for X-ray , sensitized, unexposed kilogram/square meter 40% 
37023110.00 Instant print film in rolls, for colour photography(polychrome)without perforations, sensitized, unexposed(of a width not exceeding 105mm) kilogram/square meter 40% 
37023190.00 Other film in rolls, for colour photography(polychrome)without perforations, sensitized, unexposed(of a width not exceeding 105mm) kilogram/square meter 433yuan/㎡ 
37023210.00 Instant print film in rolls, with silver halide emulsion, without perforations, sensitized, unexposed(of a width not exceeding 105mm) kilogram/square meter 40%