01061221.10 |
Endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >and wcolor='red' >alruses for improved color='red' >breeding (pteropodcolor='red' >a mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als) |
kilogram/piece |
0 |
P/Q |
01061221.90 |
Improved color='red' >breeding non-endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >and wcolor='red' >alruses (pteropodcolor='red' >a mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als) |
kilogram/piece |
0 |
AB |
P/Q |
01061229.10 |
Endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >and wcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >border Pinnipedicolor='red' >a) for non pure-color='red' >bred color='red' >breeding (including color='red' >artificicolor='red' >al Propcolor='red' >agcolor='red' >ation) |
kilogram/piece |
50 |
P/Q |
01061229.90 |
Other secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >and wcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >bor-der Pinnipedicolor='red' >a) for non pure-color='red' >bred color='red' >breeding (other thcolor='red' >an en-dcolor='red' >angered) |
kilogram/piece |
50 |
AB |
P/Q |
02084000.11 |
Mecolor='red' >at color='red' >and edicolor='red' >ble mecolor='red' >at offcolor='red' >al of endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >and Wcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >border Pinnipedicolor='red' >a), fresh,chilled or frozen |
kilogram/- |
70 |
P.R/Q.S |
02084000.19 |
Mecolor='red' >at color='red' >and edicolor='red' >ble mecolor='red' >at offcolor='red' >al of non-endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a li-ons color='red' >and wvcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >border Pinnipedicolor='red' >a),fresh, chilled or frozen |
kilogram/- |
70 |
AB |
P.R/Q.S |
02109200.11 |
Mecolor='red' >at color='red' >and edicolor='red' >ble mecolor='red' >at offcolor='red' >al of endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als,secolor='red' >a lions color='red' >andwcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >border Pinnipedicolor='red' >a) (including edicolor='red' >ble flours color='red' >and mecolor='red' >als ofmecolor='red' >a tcolor='red' >anndmecolor='red' >att offcolor='red' >al), scolor='red' >alted, incolor='red' >brine, dried or smoked |
kilogram/- |
80 |
P.R/Q.S |
02109200.19 |
Mecolor='red' >at color='red' >and edicolor='red' >ble mecolor='red' >at offcolor='red' >al of non-endcolor='red' >angered secolor='red' >als, secolor='red' >a li-ons color='red' >and wcolor='red' >alruses (mcolor='red' >ammcolor='red' >als of the sucolor='red' >border Pinnipedicolor='red' >a) (in-cluding edicolor='red' >ble flours color='red' >and mecolor='red' >als ofmecolor='red' >at color='red' >ancmecolor='red' >atoffcolor='red' >al), scolor='red' >alt-ed, in color='red' >brine, dried or smoked |
kilogram/- |
80 |
AB |
P.R/Q.S |
03055910.20 |
Dry secolor='red' >a drcolor='red' >agon, except for edicolor='red' >ble offcolor='red' >al |
kilogram/- |
20% |
AB |
P/R/Q |
03063410.00 |
Norwcolor='red' >ay locolor='red' >bsters(Nephrops norvegicus), for cultivcolor='red' >ation |
kilogram/- |
0% |
AB |
P/Q |
03063490.00 |
Other live,fresh or chilled Norwcolor='red' >ay locolor='red' >bsters(Nephrops norvegicus),in shell or not |
kilogram/- |
70% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
03069400.00 |
Dried, scolor='red' >alted or scolor='red' >alted Norwegicolor='red' >an secolor='red' >a crcolor='red' >ayfish |
kilogram/- |
70% |
AB |
P.R/Q.S |
03076010.10 |
Endcolor='red' >angered sncolor='red' >ails, for cultivcolor='red' >ation (other thcolor='red' >an secolor='red' >a sncolor='red' >ails) |
kilogram/- |
0 |
P/Q |
03076010.90 |
Other sncolor='red' >ails, for cultivcolor='red' >ation (other thcolor='red' >an secolor='red' >a sncolor='red' >ails) |
kilogram/- |
0 |
AB |
P/Q |
03076090.10 |
Other endcolor='red' >angered sncolor='red' >ails (other thcolor='red' >an secolor='red' >a sncolor='red' >ails) |
kilogram/- |
70% |
P.R/Q.S |
03076090.90 |
Other sncolor='red' >ails (other thcolor='red' >an secolor='red' >a sncolor='red' >ails), live,fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, scolor='red' >alted or in color='red' >brine, smoked(including smoked, whether in shell or not, whether or not cooked color='red' >before or during the smoking process) |
kilogram/- |
70% |
AB |
P.R/Q.S |
03081110.90 |
Other secolor='red' >a cucumcolor='red' >bers (Stichopus jcolor='red' >aponicus, Holothurioidecolor='red' >a), for cultivcolor='red' >ation |
kilogram/- |
0% |
AB |
P/Q |
03081190.90 |
Other secolor='red' >a cucumcolor='red' >bers (Stichopus jcolor='red' >aponicus, Holothurioidecolor='red' >a), live, fresh, chilled, not for cultivcolor='red' >ation |
kilogram/- |
70% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |
03081200.20 |
Other frozen secolor='red' >a cucumcolor='red' >bers |
kilogram/- |
80% |
P/R/Q/S |
03081200.90 |
Other frozensecolor='red' >a cucumcolor='red' >bers (Stichopus jcolor='red' >aponicus, Holothurioidecolor='red' >a) |
kilogram/- |
80% |
AB |
P/R/Q/S |