2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)


HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
32074000.00 Glass frit and other glass, in the form of powder, granules or flakes kilogram/- 50% 
32139000.00 Other colours, modifying tints and the like(in tablets, tubes, jars, bottles, pans or in similar forms or packings), not in sets kilogram/- 70% 
34059000.00 Other polishes and creams for glass or metal(other than scouring pastes and powders and similar preparations) kilogram/- 80% 
35030090.00 Isinglass; other glues of animal origin, excluding casein glues of heading No. 35.01 kilogram/- 50%  AB P/R/Q
39081011.90 Modified polyamide -6,6 slices (by adding glass fiber, minerals, toughening agents, flame retardants via screw-secondary mixing) kilogram/- 45% 
39219020.00 Plates, sheets of polyethylene with glass fibres kilogram/- 45% 
39233000.00 Carboys, bottles, flasks and similar articles of plastics kilogram/- 80% 
48064000.00 Glassine and other glazed transparent or translucent papers(in rolls or sheets) kilogram/- 40% 
70010090.90 Other glass block materials kilogram/- 50% 
70021000.00 Unworked glass balls (other than microspheres of heading No.70.18) kilogram/- 50% 
70023900.00 Glass capillaries or positioning tube of micro-optical assemblies for optical communi- cations(external diameter<3mm) kilogram/- 50% 
70031200.00 Cast and rolled non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel, coloured, pacified, flashed or having an absorbent, reflecting or non-reflecting layer, not otherwise worked kilogram/square meter 50% 
70031900.01 Rough glass plate used for LCD (cast or rolled non-wired glass sheet, not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked) kilogram/square meter 50% 
70031900.02 Original glass for mobile phone or tablet cover (including front cover and back cover) (uncolored, transparent and without absorbing layer, without other processing) kilogram/square meter 50 
70031900.90 Cast and rolled other non-wired glass, in sheets or parcel (not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked) kilogram/square meter 50% 
70032000.00 Cast and rolled wired glass sheets or parcel(not otherwise worked) kilogram/square meter 50%