2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

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HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
53021000.00 True hemp, raw or retted kilogram/- 30%  AB P/Q
53029000.00 Other true hemp, processed but not spun;tow and waste of true hemp(including yarn waste and garnetted stock) kilogram/- 30%  AB P/Q
53031000.00 Jute and other textile bast fibres, raw or retted(excluding flax, true hemp and ramie) kilogram/- 20%  AB P/Q
53039000.00 Other Jute and other textile bast fibres, processed but not spun(including tow and waste of these fibres, yarn waste and garnetted stock, excluding flax, true hemp and ramie) kilogram/- 30%  AB P/Q
53082000.00 True hemp yarn kilogram/- 45% 
53110030.00 Woven fabrics of true hemp meter/kilogram 50% 
67042000.00 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and the like of human hair,(including complete wigs) kilogram/- 130% 
67049000.00 Wigs, false beards, eyebrows and the like of other materials(including complete wigs) kilogram/- 130%