2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:LCD modules

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
85249110.00 LCD modules specifically or primarily used for devices listed in tax item 85.17 piece/kilogram 16% 
85249120.90 Other LCD modules specifically or primarily used for equipment listed in tax items 85.19, 85.21, 85.25, 85.26, or 85.27 piece/kilogram 67% 
85249130.00 LCD modules specifically or primarily used for devices listed in tax items 85.35, 85.36, or 85.37 piece/kilogram 50% 
85249140.00 LCD modules specifically or primarily used for trains of tax items 87.01 to 87.05 piece/kilogram 100%  6
85249190.90 Other LCD modules piece/kilogram 50% 
70031900.01 Rough glass plate used for LCD (cast or rolled non-wired glass sheet, not colored, transparent and not having an absorbent layer, not otherwise worked) kilogram/square meter 50% 
70031900.02 Original glass for mobile phone or tablet cover (including front cover and back cover) (uncolored, transparent and without absorbing layer, without other processing) kilogram/square meter 50 
70052900.02 Rough glass plate used for LCD(non-wired float glass sheet) kilogram/square meter 50% 
70052900.03 Original glass for mobile phone or tablet cover (including front cover and back cover) kilogram/square meter 50 
85241100.00 LCD module without driver or control circuit piece/kilogram 50% 
85241929.00 Other LED modules without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 64% 
85241990.90 Other tablet modules without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 40% 
85249120.20 LCD flat panel display module for radar equipment and wireless navigation equipment piece/kilogram 67% 
85249210.00 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) modules specifically or primarily used for devices listed in heading 85.17 piece/kilogram 16% 
85249220.90 Other organic light emitting diode (OLED) modules specifically or primarily used for equipment listed in tax items 85.19, 85.21, 85.25, 85.26, or 85.27 piece/kilogram 67% 
85249230.00 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) modules specifically or primarily used for devices listed in tax items 85.35, 85.36, or 85.37 piece/kilogram 50%