2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

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HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
04021000.00 <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >Mfont>ilk an<font color='red' >dfont> crea<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>,In pow<font color='red' >dfont>er,granules or other soli<font color='red' >dfont> for<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>s,of a fat content,by weight,not excee<font color='red' >dfont>ing 1.5%,concentrate<font color='red' >dfont> or containing a<font color='red' >dfont><font color='red' >dfont>e<font color='red' >dfont> sugar or other sweetening <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>atter kilogram/- 40%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S
04022100.00 <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >Mfont>ilk an<font color='red' >dfont> crea<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>,In pow<font color='red' >dfont>er,granules or other soli<font color='red' >dfont> for<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>s,of a fat content,by weight,excee<font color='red' >dfont>ing 1.5%,Not containing a<font color='red' >dfont><font color='red' >dfont>e<font color='red' >dfont> sugar or other sweetening <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>atter kilogram/- 40%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S
05069011.10 Waste of bones,of bovine or sheep,unworke<font color='red' >dfont>,<font color='red' >dfont>efatte<font color='red' >dfont>,si<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>ply prepare<font color='red' >dfont> kilogram/- 35%  9AB M.P/Q
05069011.90 Pow<font color='red' >dfont>er of bones,of bovine an<font color='red' >dfont> sheep (unworke<font color='red' >dfont>,<font color='red' >dfont>efatte<font color='red' >dfont>,si<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>ply prepare<font color='red' >dfont>) kilogram/- 35%  AB M.P/Q
05069019.10 Other waste of bones(unworke<font color='red' >dfont>,<font color='red' >dfont>efatte<font color='red' >dfont>,si<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>ply prepare<font color='red' >dfont>) kilogram/- 35%  9AB M.P/Q
05069019.90 Other pow<font color='red' >dfont>er of bones(unworke<font color='red' >dfont>,<font color='red' >dfont>efatte<font color='red' >dfont>,si<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>ply prepare<font color='red' >dfont>) kilogram/- 35%  AB M.P/Q
10011100.01 <font color='red' >Dfont>uru<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont> wheat for see<font color='red' >dfont>(in-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABty M.P/N.Q
10011100.90 <font color='red' >Dfont>uru<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont> wheat for see<font color='red' >dfont>(out-of-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P/N.Q
10011900.01 Other <font color='red' >dfont>uru<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont> wheat(in-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABty M.P.R/Q.S
10011900.90 Other <font color='red' >dfont>uru<font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont> wheat(out-of-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P.R/Q.S
10019100.01 Other wheat for see<font color='red' >dfont>(in-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABty M.P/N.Q
10019100.90 Other wheat for see<font color='red' >dfont>(out-of-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P/N.Q
10019900.01 Other wheat an<font color='red' >dfont> <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>aslin(in-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABty M.P.R/Q.S
10019900.90 Other wheat an<font color='red' >dfont> <font color='re<font color='red' >dfont>' >mfont>aslin(out-of-quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P.R/Q.S
10031000.00 Barley for see<font color='red' >dfont> kilogram/- 160%  7AB M.P/N.Q
10039000.00 Other barley kilogram/- 160%  7AB M.P.R/Q.S
10062020.01 Long grain rice brown rice (within quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xAByt M.P.R/Q.S
10062020.90 Long grain rice brown rice (out quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P.R/Q.S
10062080.01 Other brown rice (within quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xAByt M.P.R/Q.S
10062080.90 Other brown rice (out quota) kilogram/- 180%  4xABy M.P.R/Q.S