2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:Nickel pipe , of nickel, not alloyed

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
09041100.10 Piper kilogram/- 70%  QAB P.R/Q.S
09041100.90 Pepper of the genus piper,neither crushed nor ground(other than piper) kilogram/- 70%  AB P.R/Q.S
24031100.00 Water pipe tobacco(water pipe tobacco means tobacco intended for smoking in a water pipe and which consists of a mixture of tobacco and glycerol,whether or not containing aromatic oils and extracts,molasses or sugar,and whether or not flavoured with fr kilogram/- 180%  7AB P/Q.S
26040000.01 Nickel ores and concentrates(part of gold value) kilogram/-
26040000.90 Nickel ores and concentrates(part of the non-gold value) kilogram/-
28254000.00 Nickel oxides and hydroxides kilogram/- 30% 
28273500.00 Nickel chloride kilogram/- 30%  AB M/N
28332400.00 Nickel sulphate kilogram/- 30% 
28371990.12 Nickel cyanide,calcium cyanide(Nickelous cyanide) kilogram/- 30% 
28372000.11 Potassium nickel cyanide,Sodium copper-zinc cyanide salt,Nickel potassium cyanide,dipotassium nickel tetracyanide kilogram/- 30% 
28429030.00 Lithium,nickel,cobalt and manganese oxides kilogram/- 30%  AB R/S
28429060.00 Lithium nickel cobalt aluminum oxide kilogram/- 30%  AB M.R/N.S
28539030.00 Nickel cobalt manganese hydroxide kilogram/- 30% 
28539050.00 Nickel cobalt aluminum hydroxide kilogram/- 30% 
29329300.00 Piperonal kilogram/- 20%  23
29329990.14 Bucarpolate,sufoxide,piperonyl butoxide,propyli- sorne etc.(including CPR dust,pipepxonyl cyclrnene) kilogram/- 20% 
29333210.00 Hexahydropyridine(piperidine) kilogram/- 11%  23
29333300.40 Alfentanil (INN),Anilidine (INN),phencimide (INN),bromazepam (INN),cafentanil (INN),diphenoxine (INN),diphenoxylate (INN),dipiperidone (INN),fentanyl (INN),ketomidone (INN),methylphenidate (INN),pentazosin (INN) kilogram/- 20%  I
29333300.50 Piperidine (INN),intermediate of piperidine A (INN),benzcyclidine (INN),benzpyridine (INN),pipephenyl alcohol (INN),pipecimide (INN),piperidine (INN),remifentanil (INN) and trimethyllidine (INN) kilogram/- 20%  I
29333600.00 4-phenylamino-N-phenylethyl piperidine (ANPP) kilogram/- 20%  23