2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:Other truck

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
84279000.00 Other trucks and other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment: set/kilogram 30%  A M/
87043100.00 Other truck,with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine (gasoline),G.v.w. not exceeding 5 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46AOxy L.M/
87043230.00 Other truck,with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine (gasoline),G.v.w. exceeding 5 tons,but not exceeding 8 tons. unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87043240.00 Other truck,with spark-ignition internal combustion piston engine (gasoline),G.v.w. exceeding 8 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87044100.00 Other trucks equipped with compression-ignition piston internal combustion engine (diesel or semi-diesel engine) and drive motor at the same time,with a total vehicle weight of not more than 5 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46AOxy L.M/
87044210.00 Other trucks equipped with compression-ignition piston internal combustion engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) and drive motors,with a total vehicle weight of more than 5 tons but less than 14 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87044220.00 Other trucks equipped with compression-ignition piston internal combustion engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) and drive motors,with a total vehicle weight of 14 tons or more,but not more than 20 tons unit/kilogram 40%  46Axy L.M/
87044300.90 Other trucks equipped with compression-ignition piston internal combustion engines (diesel or semi-diesel engines) and drive motors,with a total vehicle weight of more than 20 tons unit/kilogram 40%  46AOxy L.M/
87045100.00 Other trucks equipped with positive-ignition piston internal combustion engine and drive motor at the same time,with a total vehicle weight of not more than 5 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46AOxy L.M/
87045210.00 Other trucks equipped with positive-ignition piston internal combustion engine and drive motor,with a total vehicle weight of more than 5 tons but not more than 8 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87045220.00 Other trucks equipped with positive-ignition piston internal combustion engine and drive motor,with a total vehicle weight of more than 8 tons unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87046000.00 Other trucks equipped with drive motor only unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
87049000.00 Other truck,with other engine unit/kilogram 70%  46Axy L.M/
01012100.90 Other horses,pure-bred breeding kilogram/head AB P/Q
01012900.10 Endangered wild horses,other than pure-bred breeding kilogram/head 30%  AFEB P/Q
01012900.90 Horses,other than pure-bred breeding kilogram/head 30%  AB P/Q
01013010.90 Other asses,pure-bred breeding kilogram/head AB P/Q
01013090.10 Endangered wild asses,other than pure-bred breeding kilogram/head 30%  AFEB P/Q
01013090.90 Other asses,other than pure-bred breeding kilogram/head 30%  AB P/Q
01022900.00 Cattle,other than pure-bred breeding kilogram/head 30%  4xAB P/Q