2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)


HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
03022200.00 Plaice(Pleuronectes platessa),fresh or chilled,excluding Livers and roes kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S
03033200.00 Plaice(Pleuronectes platessa),frozen,excluding livers and roes kilogram/- 40%  AB P.R/Q.S
37011000.00 Unexposed photographic plates and film in the flat,sensitized,for X-ray kilogram/square meter 40% 
37013022.00 Unexposed precoated sensitized plate(with any side exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013024.00 Unexposed CTP plate for preparing printing plates or cylinders(with any side exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013025.00 Flexographic printing plate (thickness less than 3mm) kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013029.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat for preparing printing plates or cylinders(with any side exceeding 255mm),sensitized,unexposed kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013090.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat (with any side exceeding 255mm),sensitized,unexposed kilogram/square meter 70% 
37019100.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat for colour photography(polychrome)(of side lengths not exceeding 255mm),sensitized,unexposed kilogram/- 70% 
37019920.01 Unexposed plates,quartz glass matrix kilogram/square meter 40% 
37019920.90 Other plates and film in the flat,sensitized,unexposed,for preparing printing plates or cylinders,not for colour photography ,of side lengths not exceeding 255mm,other than ultrafine-grain plate kilogram/square meter 40% 
37019990.00 Other plates and film in the flat,sensitized,unexposed(not for colour photography,of side lengths not exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 70% 
37023220.00 Photographic film in rolls,for preparing printing plates or cylinders,with silver halide emulsion,without perforations,sensitized,unexposed(of a width not exceeding 105mm) kilogram/square meter 104yuan/㎡ 
37023920.00 Other photographic film in rolls,for preparing printing plates or cylinders,without perforations,sensitized,unexposed(of a width not exceeding 105mm) kilogram/square meter 104yuan/㎡ 
37024221.00 Wide anticorrosive photographic plate for printed circuit processing kilogram/square meter 110yuan/㎡ 
37024229.00 Other film,without perforations,for preparing printing plates or cylinders,of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length exceeding 200m kilogram/square meter 110yuan/㎡ 
37024329.00 Other film,without perforations,unexposed,for preparing printing plates or cylinders,of a width exceeding 610mm and of a length not exceeding 200m kilogram/square meter 104yuan/㎡ 
37024422.00 Narrow anticorrosive photographic plate for printed circuit processing(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 115yuan/㎡ 
37024429.00 Other film,without perforations,unexposed,for preparing printing plates or cylinders(of a width exceeding105mm and not exceeding 610mm) kilogram/square meter 115yuan/㎡ 
37040090.10 Other photographic plates,film,paper,paperboard and textiles,exposed but not developed kilogram/- 70%  V