2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:band saw machine

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
39269010.00 Plastics articles of a kind for used in machines or instruments kilogram/- 35% 
40117010.00 New pneumatic tyres of rubber,with “herring-bone” tread,of a cross-section width ≥ 24 inches,of a kind used on agricultural or forestry vehicles and machines kilogram/bar 50%  A M
40118091.00 Construction,mining or industrial handling vehicles and machinery,the rim size ≤ 61cm of non-literal new inflatable rubber tire kilogram/bar 50% 
40161010.00 Articles of vulcanized cellular rubber (other than hard rubber)used in machines or instruments kilogram/- 30% 
40169310.00 Gaskets,washers and other seals of vulcanized rubber(other than hard rubber),of a kind used in machines or instruments kilogram/- 30% 
40169910.90 Other articles of vulcanized rubber(other than hard rubber),of a kind used in machines or instruments kilogram/- 30% 
41044910.10 Tanned or crust hides and skins of endangered wild bovine or equine animals,without hair on,for machinery belting kilogram/- 20%  FE
41044910.90 Tanned or crust hides and skins of bovine,equine animals,without hair on,for machinery belting kilogram/- 20% 
41071910.10 Other leather further prepared after tanning or crusting,including parchment-dressed leather,of endangered wild bovine or equine animals,whole hides and skins,for machinery belting kilogram/sheet 50%  FE
41071910.90 Other leather further prepared after tanning or crusting,ncluding parchment-dressed leather,of bevine or equine animals,whole hides and skins,for machinery belting kilogram/sheet 50% 
41079910.10 Other leather further prepared after tanning or crusting,including parchment-dressed leather of endangered bovine or equine animals,other than whole hides and skins,for machinery belting kilogram/- 50%  FE
41079910.90 Other leather further prepared after tanning or crusting,including parchment-dressed leather,of bovine or equine animals,other than whole hides and skins,for machinery belting kilogram/- 50% 
42050020.10 Articles of leather or of composition leather of endangered wild animals,of a kind used in machinery or mechanial appilances or for other technical uses kilogram/- 35%  FE
42050020.90 Other articles of leather or of composition leather,of a kind used in machinery or mechanial appilances or for other technical uses kilogram/- 35% 
50071090.00 Other reeling machines meter/kilogram 130% 
50072090.00 Other silk machine fabrics meter/kilogram 130% 
50079090.00 Other silk machine fabrics meter/kilogram 130% 
51113000.00 Other mainly or only with chemical fiber staple fibers blended carded wool or carded animal hair machine meter/kilogram 130% 
52111900.00 Other unbleached and chemical blended cotton machine fabrics meter/kilogram 90% 
53092110.00 Unbleached blended linen machine meter/kilogram 80%