2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:camera

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
85011091.02 Precision micromotors with a video camera,camcorder (5mm≤diameter≤20mm;0.5w≤ power ≤10w) set/kilogram 70% 
85011099.03 Precision micromotors for video camera,camcorder,movement of laser discplayers(0.5W≤power≤2W,5mm≤Diameter<20mm Or 39mm <diammeter≤40mm) set/kilogram 35% 
85249120.10 LCD flat panel display module for non-special purpose TV camera,video camcorder and digital camera piece/kilogram 67% 
85249220.10 Organic light-emitting diode flat panel display module for non-special purpose television camera,video camcorder and digital camera piece/kilogram 67% 
85258110.00 High-speed TV cameras listed in Note 1 to Sub-item of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
85258120.00 High-speed digital cameras listed in sub-item note 1 of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
85258210.10 Anti-radiation television camera set/kilogram 17%  3
85258210.90 Other radiation-resistant or radiation-resistant television cameras listed in Note 2 to the subheading of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
85258220.00 Anti-radiation or radiation-resistant digital cameras listed in Note 2 to the subheading of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
85258310.00 Night vision television cameras listed in sub-item note 3 of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
85258320.00 Night-vision digital cameras listed in sub-item note 3 of this chapter set/kilogram 17% 
Other special-purpose television cameras set/kilogram 17% 
85258912.00 Broadcast TV camera for non-special purpose set/kilogram 130% 
85258919.00 Other non-special purpose television cameras and camera components set/kilogram 130% 
Digital cameras for other special purposes set/kilogram 17% 
85258922.00 Single-lens reflective digital camera for non-special purposes set/kilogram 130% 
85258923.00 Other interchangeable lens digital cameras for non-special purposes set/kilogram 130% 
85258929.00 Digital cameras for other non-special purposes set/kilogram 130% 
85299041.00 Parts for television cameras Of special purposes (including parts for video camera recorders and digital cameras) kilogram/- 17% 
85299042.00 Video camera recorders,digital camera,with image capture module kilogram/- 100%