2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:car alternator

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
61021000.10 Women's or girls' overcoats,car-coats,capes,cloak and similar articles,of wool or fine animal hair,knitted or crocheted,other than raincoats piece/kilogram 130% 
82073000.10 Processing of car boby stamping parts with four key mold(side wall outer panel,fender,integral joint side wall inner plate,fight the whole welding of side wall reinforcing plate mold) kilogram/- 20% 
82073000.20 Processing of car boby stamping parts with four special mould(cold stamping of sigma B is more than or equal to 980N/mm^2,thermforming,in high-pressure molding and aluminum plate with mold) kilogram/- 20% 
84079090.40 Virtical output shafe of the gasoline engine (the eighty-seventh chapter car trainnon other reciprocating piston engines set/kilogram 35% 
L power more than 50 kilowatts,diesel engine power output of 132.29 kilowatts of car set/kilogram 35%  6
84148030.01 Mechanical superchargers for Passenger car set/kilogram 30% 
84839000.10 Car camshaft phase regulator(car engine) kilogram/- 30% 
84839000.20 Car camshaft phase regulator (car engine) kilogram/- 30% 
85016100.00 AC generators(alternators) Of an output not exceeding 75KVA set/kilogram 30% 
85016200.00 AC generators(alternators) Of an output exceeding 75KVA but not exceeding 375KVA set/kilogram 30% 
85016300.00 AC generators(alternators) Of an output exceeding 375KVA but not exceeding 750KVA set/kilogram 30% 
85016410.10 By the use of renewable fuel boiler and turbine drive the alternator,<750 kva power output of 350 mva or less set/kilogram 30%  O
85016410.90 Other<750 kva power output of 350 mva or less of the alternator set/kilogram 30%  O
85016420.10 By the use of renewable fuel boiler and turbine drive the alternator,350 mva power output of 665 mva or less set/kilogram 14% 
85016430.10 By the use of renewable fuel boiler and turbine drive the alternator,output>665mva set/kilogram 11% 
85018010.00 Photovoltaic alternator with output power ≤ 75KVA set/kilogram 30% 
85018020.00 Photovoltaic alternator with 75KVA set/kilogram 30% 
85018041.00 Other photovoltaic alternators with 750KVA set/kilogram 30%  O
85018042.00 Other photovoltaic alternators with 350MVA set/kilogram 14%  O
85018043.00 Other photovoltaic alternators with output power>665MVA set/kilogram 11%