2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:flat panel detector

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
90229090.40 Flat panel detector,digital X ray Photogrammetry System piece/kilogram 14% 
03022900.90 Other flat fish ,fresh or chilled,excluding edible fish offal of subheading of NO. 0302.91 to NO. 0302.99 kilogram/- 40%  AB P/R/Q/S
03028990.20 Fresh and cold flat scorpionfish genera(excluding livers and roes) kilogram/- 40%  ABU P.R/Q.S
03038990.20 Frozen flat scorpionfish genera(excluding livers and roes) kilogram/- 40%  ABU P.R/Q.S
03044300.00 Fish fillets of flat fish,fresh or chilled kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S
03048300.00 Frozen fillets of Flat fish(Pleuronectidae, Bothidae, Cynoglossidae, Soleidae, Scophthalmidae and Citharidae) kilogram/- 70%  AB P/R/Q/S
03061490.10 Frozen King Crab (Emperor Crab), Hairy Crab, Imitation Stone Crab (Imitation Rock Crab), Kamchatka Imitation Stone Crab, Short footed Imitation Stone Crab, Flat footed Imitation Stone Crab, Snow Crab, Japanese Snow Crab kilogram/- 70%  ABU P/R/Q/S
03063399.10 Live, fresh or cold King crab (king crab), hairy crab, imitation stone crab (imitation rock crab), Kamchatka imitation stone crab, short footed imitation stone crab, flat footed imitation stone crab, snow crab, Japanese snow crab kilogram/- 70%  ABU P/R/Q/S
37011000.00 Unexposed photographic plates and film in the flat, sensitized, for X-ray kilogram/square meter 40% 
37012000.00 Unexposed instant print film in the flat, sensitized, whether or not in packs kilogram/- 40% 
37013029.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat for preparing printing plates or cylinders(with any side exceeding 255mm), sensitized, unexposed kilogram/square meter 50% 
37013090.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat (with any side exceeding 255mm), sensitized, unexposed kilogram/square meter 70% 
37019100.00 Other photographic plates and film in the flat for colour photography(polychrome)(of side lengths not exceeding 255mm), sensitized, unexposed kilogram/- 70% 
37019990.00 Other plates and film in the flat, sensitized, unexposed(not for colour photography, of side lengths not exceeding 255mm) kilogram/square meter 70% 
39191010.00 Self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, based on acrylic resin, in rolls of a width not exceeding 20cm kilogram/- 45% 
39191099.00 Other self-adhesive plates, sheets, film, foil, tape, strip and other flat shapes, in rolls of a width not exceeding 20cm kilogram/- 45% 
44072990.92 Endangered tropical wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, not elsewhere specified or included,sliced or peeled, not end-jointed, of a thickness exceeding 6mm kilogram/cubic meter 14%  y4xAFEB P/Q
44189200.10 Honeycomb structure wood panel of endangered wood kilogram/- 70  ABEF P/Q
44189200.90 Other honeycomb structure wood panels kilogram/- 70  AB P/Q