2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:front board

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
32131000.00 Artists',students' or signboard painters' colours in sets kilogram/- 70% 
37031010.00 Photographic paper and paperboard in rolls of a width exceeding 610mm ,unexposed kilogram/- 100% 
37032010.00 Photographic paper and paperboard,for colour photography(polychrome),munexposed,other than photographic paper and paperboard in rolls of a width exceeding 610mm kilogram/- 100% 
37039010.00 Other photographic paper and paperboard,not for colour photography(polychrome),unexposed,other than photographic paper and paperboard in rolls of a width exceeding 610mm kilogram/- 100% 
37040090.10 Other photographic plates,film,paper,paperboard and textiles,exposed but not developed kilogram/- 70%  V
37040090.90 Other photographic plates,film,paper,paperboard and textiles,exposed but not developed kilogram/- 70% 
39219090.10 Laminated board made of structure of composite materials under sensitive item control(various prepreg and pre-formed parts reinforced by fibers and threads,the specific tensile strength of reinforcing materials is greater than 7.62×104m and specific modu kilogram/- 45%  3
39219090.90 Other plates,sheets,film,foil and strip of plastic,not elsewhere specified or included [other than ion (ic)exchange membrane and laminated board made of composite materials under sensitive item control] kilogram/- 45% 
39269090.10 Laminated board made of structure of composite materials under sensitive item control(various prepreg and pre-formed parts reinforced by fibers and threads,the specific tensile strength of reinforcing materials is greater than 7.62×104m and specific modu kilogram/- 80%  3
42021290.00 Cases(suit-cases,vanity-cases,executive-cases,brief-cases,school satchels and similar containers,other than trunks)with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard. kilogram/piece 100% 
42022900.00 Handbags with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard(with or without shoulder strap,including those without handle) kilogram/piece 100% 
42023900.00 Wallets or purses(referring to articles of a kind normally carried in the pocket or in the handbag)with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard. kilogram/piece 100% 
42029900.00 Other containers with outer surface of vulcanized fibre or of paperboard. kilogram/piece 100% 
44072300.10 Teak board with end joint kilogram/cubic meter 40%  AB P/Q
44072300.90 Teak board with non-end joint kilogram/cubic meter 40%  4ABxy P/Q
44091010.10 Floor board strips of endangered coniferous wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring,not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces kilogram/- 50%  ABFE P/Q
44091010.90 Floor board strips of other coniferous wood (including strips and friezes for parquet flooring,not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces kilogram/- 50%  AB P/Q
44092110.10 Floor board strips of endangered bamboo(including strips and friezes for parquet flooring,not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces kilogram/- 50%  ABE P/Q
44092110.90 Floor board strips of bamboo(including strips and friezes for parquet flooring,not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces kilogram/- 50%  AB P/Q
44092910.30 Floor board strips of other endangered wood(including strips and friezes for parquet flooring,not assembled)continuously shaped along any of its edges or faces kilogram/- 50%  ABFE P/Q