2024 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 18, 2024)

Search Key:fuel tank

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
27101922.10 Fuel oils No.5- No.7,other than those containing biodiesel kilogram/liter 20%  47ABxyv M/N
27101922.90 Other Fuel oils No.5- No.7,other than those containing biodiesel kilogram/liter 20%  7ABv M/N
27101929.90 Other diesel oils and other fuel oils,other than those containing biodiesel kilogram/liter 20%  7ABv M/N
28045000.10 Boron and its alloys,granularity<500μm(containing more than 97% by weight of boron whether in the form of spheroid,ellipsoid,flakes,atomized or pulverized metallic fuel kilogram/- 17%  3
28053015.10 Cerium and its alloys,granularity<500 μm,containing more than 97% by weight of cerium,whether in the form of spheroid,ellipsoid,flakes,atomized or pulverized metallic fuel kilogram/- 30%  3B /N
28439000.40 Iridium oxide for fuel cells (iridium content 75% and above,particle size 40-100 nm,total metal impurities less than 500 ppm) gram/- 30%  4xy
28445000.00 Spent(irradiated)fuel elements(cartridges)of nuclear reactors gram/- 30%  3
39029000.10 Carboxyl-terminated polybutadiene,of a kind used as adhesive or fuel kilogram/- 45%  3
39029000.20 Hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene,of a kind used as adhesive or fuel kilogram/- 45%  3
39251000.00 -Reservoirs,tanks,vats and similar containers,of a capacity exceeding 300L kilogram/- 80% 
73090000.00 Reservoirs,tanks,vats and similar containers for any material(other than compressed or liquefied gas),of iron or steel,of a capacity exceeding 300L,whether or not lined or heat-insulated,but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipmen kilogram/piece 35% 
73101000.90 Other containers,of iron or steel,of a capacity 50L or more,but not exceeding 300L (tanks,casks,drums,cans,boxes and similar containers) kilogram/piece 40% 
73102110.00 Cans and tank kilogram/- 70%  A R/
73102990.00 Other containers,of a capacity less than 50L (tanks,casks,drums,cans,boxes and similar containers) kilogram/- 70%  A R/
73211100.00 Stoves,ranges,grates,cookers ,for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels kilogram/piece 80%  6
73211900.00 Other cooking appliances and plate warmers,including appliances for solid fuel kilogram/piece 80% 
73218100.00 Other non-electric domestic appliances,for gas fuel or for both gas and other fuels kilogram/piece 80%  6
73218200.00 Other non-electric domestic appliances,for liquid fuel kilogram/piece 80% 
73218900.00 Other non-electric domestic appliances,including appliances for solid fuel kilogram/piece 80% 
76110000.00 Aluminium reservoirs,tanks,vats and similar containers,for any materia(other than compressed or liquefied gas),of a capacity exceeding 300L,whether or not lined or heat-insulated,but not fitted with mechanical or thermal equipment kilogram/- 35%