2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:nickel plated copper

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
26030000.10 Copper ores and concentrates (part of the gold value) kilogram/- 0%  7A M
26030000.90 Copper ores and concentrates (part of the non-gold value) kilogram/- 0%  7A M
26040000.01 Nickel ores and concentrates(part of gold value) kilogram/- 0% 
26040000.90 Nickel ores and concentrates(part of the non-gold value) kilogram/- 0% 
26203000.00 Slag, ash and residues (other than from the manufacture of iron or steel), containing mainly copper kilogram/- 35%  9
28254000.00 Nickel oxides and hydroxides kilogram/- 30% 
28255000.00 Copper oxides and hydroxides kilogram/- 30% 
28273500.00 Nickel chloride kilogram/- 30%  AB M/N
28274100.00 Chloride oxides and chloride hydroxides of copper kilogram/- 30% 
28332400.00 Nickel sulphate kilogram/- 30% 
28332500.00 Copper sulphate kilogram/- 30% 
28429030.00 Lithium, nickel, cobalt and manganese oxides kilogram/- 30%  AB R/S
28429060.00 Li-Ni-Co-Al oxide kilogram/- 30%  AB M/R/N/S
28539030.00 Nickel cobalt manganese composite hydroxide kilogram/- 30%