2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

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HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
58050010.00 Hand-made needle-worked tapestries,whether or not made up square meter/kilogram 130% 
58101000.00 Embroidery without visible ground, in pieces, in strips or in motifs kilogram/- 130% 
58109100.00 Embroidery of cotton, with visible ground, in pieces, in strips or in motifs kilogram/- 130% 
58109200.00 Embroidery of man-made fibres,with visible ground,in pieces,in strips or in motifs kilogram/- 130% 
58109900.00 Embroidery of other textile materials,with visible ground,in pieces,in strips or in motifs kilogram/- 130% 
58110010.00 Quilted textile products of silk or spun silk, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading No.58.10 kilogram/- 130% 
58110020.00 Quilted textile products of wool or fine animal hair, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading No.58.10 kilogram/- 130% 
58110040.00 Other quilted textile products of cotton in the piece,of man-made fibres, composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading.No. 58.10 kilogram/- 130% 
58110090.00 Other quilted textile products of cotton in the piece,of other textile materials,composed of one or more layers of textile materials assembled with padding by stitching or otherwise, other than embroidery of heading.No. 58.10 kilogram/- 90% 
63041921.00 Embroidered bedspreads of cotton or bast,not knitted or crocheted piece/kilogram 90% 
73199000.00 Other sewing needles, knitting needles, bod-kins, crochet hooks, embroidery stilettos and similar articles, of iron or steel; not elsewhere specified or included: kilogram/- 80% 
84479020.00 Embroidery machines set/kilogram 30%