2025 China HS CODE | China Import Tariff & Tax China HS Code Classification (January 8, 2025)

Search Key:voltage driver

HS CODE Commodity Name Unit Duty Regulations Quarantine
84122990.10 Skirt pile gripper set/kilogram 35% 
84301000.00 Pile-drivers and pile-extractors set/kilogram 30% 
84717020.00 Floppy disk drivers for automatic data processing machines set/kilogram 14% 
85044013.00 Voltage-stabilized suppliers, Of the machines of heading No.84.71 piece/kilogram 40%  A L
85044014.00 Other DC voltage-stabilized suppliers,of a power of less than 1KW and an accuracy of not better than 0.0001 piece/kilogram 80%  L
85044015.00 Other AC voltage-stabilized suppliers,of a power of less than 10KW and an accuracy of not better than 0.001 piece/kilogram 80% 
85044019.30 High voltage DC power supply (able to generate the 20kV, 1A electric current for 8 hours consecutively with its stability higher than 0.2%) piece/kilogram 50%  3
85044019.40 High voltage power supply for the ion source of electromagnetic isotope separator piece/kilogram 50%  3
85049020.00 Parts of voltage-stabilized suppliers and uninterrupted power suppliers kilogram/- 50% 
85241100.00 LCD module without driver or control circuit piece/kilogram 50% 
85241200.00 Organic light-emitting diode (OLED) module without driver or control circuit piece/kilogram 40% 
85241910.00 Plasma imaging components for televisions without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 80% 
85241921.00 LED modules for televisions without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 80% 
85241929.00 Other LED modules without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 64% 
85241990.90 Other tablet modules without drivers or control circuits piece/kilogram 40% 
85351000.00 Fuses for a voltage exceeding 1000V piece/kilogram 50%  A L
85352100.00 Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage less than 72.5kV piece/kilogram 50%  A L
85352910.00 Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage of 72.5kV or more but not exceeding220KV piece/kilogram 50% 
85352920.00 Automatic circuit breakers for a voltage more than 220kV but not exceeding750KV piece/kilogram 50%