NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
2902.90.90.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other --
2903     Halogenated derivatives of hydrocarbons:
Saturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons:
2903.11.00 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) and chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) vs-2903
2903.11.00.10 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) vs-29031100
2903.11.00.20 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Chloroethane (Ethyl chloride) vs-2903110010
2903.12.00.00 3.7%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Dichloromethane (Methylene chloride) vs-2903110020
2903.13.00.00 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Chloroform (Trichloromethane) vs-2903120000
2903.14.00.00 2.3%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Carbon tetrachloride vs-2903130000
2903.15.00.00 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Ethylene dichloride (ISO) (1,2-dichloroethane) vs-2903140000
2903.19     Other: vs-2903150000
2903.19.05.00 5.1%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  1,2-Dichloropropane (Propylene dichloride) and dichlorobutanes vs-290319
2903.19.10.00 3.7%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Hexachloroethane and tetrachloroethane vs-2903190500
2903.19.30.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  sec-Butyl chloride vs-2903191000
2903.19.60 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-2903193000
2903.19.60.10 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Methylchloroform (1,1,1-Trichloroethane) vs-29031960
2903.19.60.50 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
Unsaturated chlorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons:
2903.21.00.00 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 15%  Vinyl chloride (Chloroethylene) vs-2903196050
2903.22.00.00 4.2%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Trichloroethylene vs-2903210000
2903.23.00.00 3.4%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) vs-2903220000
2903.29.00.00 5.5%  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
Saturated fluorinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons: