NOW FOR USA HTS Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Harmonized Tariff Schedule (2025 HTS Revision 2)

Heading Duty(general) Duty(china) Article Description Compare Code
4802.55.20.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Drawing paper --
4802.55.30.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  India and bible paper vs-4802552000
4802.55.40.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
4802.55.60.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Basic paper to be sensitized for use in photography vs-4802554000
4802.55.70 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-4802556000
4802.55.70.20 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Containing by weight 25 percent or more cotton fiber vs-48025570
4802.55.70.40 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-4802557020
4802.56     Weighing 40 g/m² or more but not more than 150 g/m², in sheets with one side not exceeding 435 mm and the other side not exceeding 297 mm in the unfolded state:
With one side exceeding 360 mm and the other side exceeding 150 mm in the unfolded state:
4802.56.10.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Writing and cover paper vs-480256
4802.56.20.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Drawing paper vs-4802561000
4802.56.30.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  India and bible paper vs-4802562000
4802.56.40.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other
4802.56.60.00 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Basic paper to be sensitized for use in photography vs-4802564000
4802.56.70 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-4802566000
4802.56.70.20 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Containing by weight 25 percent or more cotton fiber
4802.56.70.50 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Writing and cover paper vs-4802567020
4802.56.70.90 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Other vs-4802567050
4802.57     Other, weighing 40 g/m² or more but not more than 150 g/m²: vs-4802567090
4802.57.10 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  Writing and cover paper vs-480257
4802.57.10.40 Free  The duty provided in the applicable subheading + 25%  With one side equal to 965 mm and the other side equal to 635 mm in the unfolded state vs-48025710